No Festival Of Light - Tautologia

New album of Sweden one-man project No Festival Of Light, entitled "Tautologia", was just released by Raubbau.
No Festival Of Light is one of Sweden's most prosperous and growing acts of industrial experimentation. Formerly known as P/D(B), the mastermind of this talented project, Fredrik Bergstrom, changed monikers when he decided to move his musical trials on a new course. Having experience with drums, percussives, and synthesizer has seen him in various genres ranging from heavy metal, jazz, gothic, punk, pop, and of course industrial, where Fredrik's passions lie. Fredrik has also toured Europe twice, sessioning on drums for Lina's Deutsch Nepal project, playing in such countries as Belgium, Germany, France, Austria, Holland, Czech Republic, and of course Sweden. Musically, No Festival Of Light is an electronic attack on the senses. Fredrik's music can best be described as utterly disturbing, random, dark, probing, and occasionally erotic. The following adjectives are formed by screaming (yet subtle) synthetics, pounding tribal beats, and exquisitely looped samples of sin; sometimes monotonous and sometimes fierce, and most definitely penetrating. The theme of No Festival Of Light is based on the annihilation of Heaven and the salvation of Christ. Tautology it is not just a word that was chosen to fit the new cd by No Festival Of Light. It is a well chosen term, meaning an 'always valid, universal unconditioned truth' when used within logic. Within linguistics tautology refers to 'a series of self-reinforcing statements that cannot be disproved because they depend on the assumption that they are already correct'.
In conclusion: the album 'Tautologia' by No Festival Of Light is about the truth, not about the possibility whether you can handle it or not. Fredrik Bergström is a name which - if you didn't know it already - you will never forget from this moment on. His solo projects include n.f.o.l. as well as p/d(b) and as a member he has been recording / performing with Deutsch Nepal, Mortiis, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Sator Absentia, Second Skin and Tarmvred. This broad variation of music activities are part of the origin of fredrik's search for truth and the sound and complexity of 'tautologia' is a logical as well as truthful reflection of this quest.
Two longer soundscapes entitled 'tauto' and 'logia' define the framework for what can only be defined as the truth. Preconditions include, but are not limited to field-recordings, analog sequences, voices, minimal rhythms, recorded atmospheres and imaginable emotions. Raubbau is very proud to present the first full release by No Festival Of Light since 2001. And we can say in all sincerity that waiting twelve years was worth it: every second! Packaging: cd gatefold sleeve - heavy white cardboard with grey print.
Check some snippets under this link.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2013-02-15 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2013-02-15 / News
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