Samsas Traum - Asen'ka - Ein Märchen für Kinder und solche, die es werden wollen
- Amphi Festival 2015 - 2015-08-03 (Festivals)
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- Amphi Festival 2006 - 2006-08-03 (Festivals)
- Samsas Traum - Niemand, Niemand Anderem Als Dir. - 2013-04-02 (News)
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Brand new album of German Darkwave/Gothic Samsas Traum will out on November 23 th. "Asen'ka - Ein Märchen für Kinder und solche, die es werden wollen" will be released by Trisol Records.
It’s a long time since Samsas Traum cast a spell over us with a concept album: one with an interrelated story that transports us away from reality; with delightful, peculiar characters and with music and lyrics from another world that leave us entranced. After the albums ‘Tineoidea’ and ‘a.Ura’, both of which were greatly acclaimed in the scene, the band ran creative riot upon the killing fields of symphonic (black) metal, neofolk and death ’n’ roll – all battles which brought Samsas Traum high chart positions and well-deserved recognition. However, in the minds of their fans, a big question remained unanswered: when will the (in)famous storyteller Alexander Kaschte, who resides in the Brothers Grimm-like town of Marburg, once again carry us off into the abyss of his soul with a new fairytale? Will he ever again grant us a glimpse of that nebulous imagery from the depths of his imagination? The answer that many hadn’t reckoned with is:
Yes – and indeed now.
With "Asen’ka – Ein Märchen für Kinder und solche, die es werden wollen", Kaschte releases his most opulent piece of musical storytelling, combines all of the characteristics which go to make up a Samsas Traum album. Precise drumming, driving bass and massive walls of guitars lay the foundation for grandiose orchestral sounds and Alexander Kaschte’s extraordinary voice, which evokes all of the spirits and entities that it is possible to conjure up. Whether with hymnal chanting, sacral choirs, bloodcurdling cries or deep choral speaking – on "Asen’ka", Kaschte leads the listener to the very limit of his power of imagination. He leads him into the kingdom of fables and myths; into a world where everything is possible but where also the impossible can happen. "Asen’ka" captivates by means of beautiful, to-die-for melodies and elaborate dynamics which help provide the album with an incomparable emotionality, a moving authenticity and extraordinary quiet, eery moments – moments which fans of the band have been waiting for for years.
In order to realize an opus such as "Asen’ka", proficient allies and expert support are needed. Considering the quality of the most recent releases it is no surprise that Kaschte once more got Michale Beck (drums) and Luca Princiotta (guitar) on board. Production was made by FASCINATION STREET STUDIO in Örebro, with André Alvinzi and Jens Bogren (Opeth, Amon Amarth, Ihsahn, Paradise Lost etc) at the controls. Kaschte received vocal support from the exceptional Latvian talent Vic Anselmo - these is the first female guest vocal to appear on a Samsas Traum for some years. Fairytale artwork created by Anastasia Kaschte, who, in her incomparable post-Soviet style, made the artcover for the album "Anleitung zum Todsein"(2011).
The album is available in two editions:
1. Standard edition:
• CD in jewel case
• 24 page booklet
2. Limited special edition:
• Double CD (album plus bonus CD)
• Bonus CD containing music composed by Alexander Kaschte which was specially commissioned for theatre productions
• Hardback book bound in brown cloth and blocked in black
• 44 pages, high-grade art print on high-quality 170g art paper
• The booklet contains all lyrics and additional annotations
• Strictly limited to 3,000 copies
For more information about Samsas Traum click here.
Tracklisting CD1:
Von Sieg zu Sieg
Der Flammen Glanz im Haar
Wie ein Bär
Sag das Zauberwort
Heute noch
Stirb Kindlein stirb
Igel im Nebel
Der Froschkönig
Ich dein Wolfsblut
Im Ursprung der Schatten
Schenk mir deine Flügel
Dein Herzschlag flüstert meinen Namen
Tracklisting CD 2:
Besser als hier
Zu zweit
Ich bin Hagen
Stirb mit mir
Das große Finale
Ab jetzt wird alles besser