Samsas Traum - Niemand, Niemand Anderem Als Dir.
- Amphi Festival 2015 - 2015-08-03 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2011 - 2011-07-20 (Festivals)
- Zita Rock Festival 2011 - 2011-06-21 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2010 - 2010-08-09 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2010 - 2010-07-27 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2010 - 2010-05-26 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2006 - 2006-08-12 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2006 - 2006-08-03 (Festivals)
- Blackfield Festival 2013 - 2013-02-19 (Events)
- Samsas Traum - Asen'ka - Ein Märchen für Kinder und solche, die es werden wollen - 2012-11-22 (News)

SAMSAS TRAUM’s 2012 epic ‘Asen’ka – ein Märchen für Kinder und solche, die es werden wollen’ brought them great success. The album was highly acclaimed by the specialist press and was enthusi- astically received by fans; indeed, the limited first edition sold out in record time. Mastermind Kaschte now presents a sister release to that magnum opus.
‘Niemand…’ presents the songs from ‘Asen’ka…’ in a totally different light: as epic, grandiose, stirring, instrumental neo-classical versions. ‘Niemand…’ carries the listener off on a fantasy-laden dream journey into the world of Asen’ka, its light-footed, play- ful manner revealing the original nature of the compositions. And not least, it can be regarded as an accompaniment to ALEXANDER and ANASTASIA KASCHTE’s picture book ‘Asen’ka und die Worte der Wölfe’, published simultaneously by Ubooks Verlag. Exclusive to the first edition of ‘Niemand…’ is a bonus CD containing the centrepiece of the magnum opus ‘Im Ursprung der Schatten’ in three different languages. The German version by Liv Kristine Espenæs Krull (ATROCITY, LEAVES’ EYES) and A.Kaschte is followed by Swedish and Russian versions of this moving song, masterfully presented by My Engström-Renman (HELLSONGS) and VIC ANSELMO respectively. It goes without saying that these examples of intercultural cooperation are also presented on the disc in their full-length versions.
Album out on May 21th by Trisol.

01 Jetzt und hier und überall
02 Himmelsglut und Nachthauch
03 Deines Herzens Regeln
04 Ich will wissen wer du bist
05 Morgen schon
06 Süsser Schlamm
07 Alle Sterne rechts des Schornsteins
08 Der Schönheit des Lebens zur Ehre
09 Ich werde in dir glimmen
10 Finde mich an allen Orten
11 Nur auf deinen Schwingen
12 Mein Himmelszelt
01 Niemand niemand anderem als dir (sung by Liv Kristin Espenæs Krull & Alexander Kaschte)
02 Im Ursprung der Schatten (guest singer: My Engström-Renman)
03 Ingen ingen annan själ än dig (sung by My Engström-Renman)
04 Im Ursprung der Schatten (guest vocals: Vic Anselmo)
05 только только для тебя (sung by Vic Anselmo)