Snog – Compliance

SNOG brings you the latest in mass content delivery, reflexive ideological hygiene, inappropriate social observation, techno-Ludditism, recombinant satire, ersatz gallows humour, gratuitous gender reassignment and audio-sedation. Cheerful to the end, SNOG cast their collective gaze toward innovations in apocalyptic banality, enthusiastic drone obedience and mediocre weekend totalitarianism. All done with a twinkle in their eyes and a swivel in their hips.
Sympathetic, synthetic and cynical, our trusty troubadours spread their disloyal seed far and wide - wholly innocent targets like superannuated senior citizens, venture capitalists, technophiles and the mercantile class are spared no vitriol nor offered any comfort.
Industrious skeptics with hearts full of anachronistic, discerning hot love.
Ensure your medication/inoculation is at hand, a necessary prophylactic against proselytizing, puffery and polemics.
Available from 16 October 2015 by Metropolis Records.Sympathetic, synthetic and cynical, our trusty troubadours spread their disloyal seed far and wide - wholly innocent targets like superannuated senior citizens, venture capitalists, technophiles and the mercantile class are spared no vitriol nor offered any comfort.
Industrious skeptics with hearts full of anachronistic, discerning hot love.
Ensure your medication/inoculation is at hand, a necessary prophylactic against proselytizing, puffery and polemics.
01. Cheerful Hypocrisy
02. The Clockwork Man
03. The Vampires Of Real Estate
04. Rich Kuntz
05. Compliance
06. The Toxic Womb Of Convenience
07. The Stomp Song
08. Oh, Youre An Atheist?
09. The Middle-Class Worms
10. Heroically Deluded
11. The Slow Apocalypse
12. The Theme From Compliance
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