Stendeck - Folgor

Following a 4-year interlude since the release of his hit LP "Scintilla", renowned electronic artist Stendeck returns with his highly-anticipated 5th studio album "Folgor".
Continuing to build on his signature sound, Stendeck once again inducts listeners with a collection of massive beat-oriented electronica complemented by epic synth scores and resounding narratives. Nostalgic pads meet with evolving rhythms and pulsing basslines giving each song a classical feel with futuristic symphonic leanings resulting in a defining contrast that is both dynamic and engaging. Enveloping atmospheres expand and retract shaping an intensity and flow to each song arrangement while birthing lavish beat structures that effortlessly maneuver amongst engrossing melodies and undeniable warmth."Folgor" offers release from the constraints of common motifs to present an expansive trip allowing the listener access to a world of formidable sounds that will resonate like an amorous memory.
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