Syl Kougaï –ΙΧΘΥΣ

"ΙΧΘΥΣ" is the third full studio album from the French electronic music composer Syl Kougaï, on which he uses his unique brand of synthetic sounds interacting with acoustic recordings. he expands the borders of these two universes and develops imaginary instruments, driving classical playing techniques towards unexpected mechano-acoustic reactions. his artistic approach consists of combining most different methods of construction, from note by note writing on a software sequencer and editing audio recordings to development of modular patches and using a hardware step by step sequencer.
"ΙΧΘΥΣ" is intense, with crystal clear production, rich and varied compositions where several types of sounds and styles are put together to create a particularly unique mood. the deeper you fall into Syl Kougaïs aural universe, the more will be found to be discovered."I like to make my sounds speak, sing, cry, scream. I like them to transform, so the bird becomes violin and the violin becomes sword." Syl Kougaï.
Available from 12 June 2015 by Hymen Records.
01 corvus
02 picker amalthee
03 opale verniss
04 ousia
05 ether
06 alpha&omega
07 pisces
08 parousia
09 ethyle
10 picker aigis
11 l’ecarlate
12 alleluia
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