The Echoing Green - In Scarlet And Vile

The Echoing Green have been a mainstay in the electronic pop scene since the mid 1990's with one popular album after another. Years have passed since the released of the landmark album, THE WINTER OF OUR DISCONTENT, and during that time the band has pieced together their best effort yet.
IN SCARLET AND VILE is well worth the wait, featuring the single tracks SUFFER and SANCTUARY which have had fans anxiously awaiting more music for several years. This is powerful and memorable music from true veterans of the independent music scene!Released on A Different Drum and available March 28th, 2011.
01. Heaven (Devil In the Details)
02. Revenge
03. Flame
04. The Huntress
05. Let's Go!
06. Dead Hearts
07. Crybaby
08. Suffer
09. Sanctuary (Glen Nicholls Mix)
10. Away
11. Battered and Bruised
12. Matter
13. King Planet
14. Here is the House (Mikkel Natas Remix)
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