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75%Militant Cheerleaders on the Move - Freaks2005-10-10 / Nihil / Reads: 3620This is the brand new single by the Swedish duet Militant Cheerleaders on the Move. They are clearly inspired by masters of EBM like Nitzer Ebb or Spetsnaz : they revive the classic electronic music by pumping great amounts of energy into it. Honestly speaking, when I was listening to... |
90%Minerve - Breathing Avenue2005-10-10 / Selene / Reads: 9384The moment I put the CD to the CD player an I heard the first sounds of „Interlude” starting the Polish edition of the CD „Breathing Avenue” ( European version's track list order is different), I knew that I won't be able to put the album aside for a long... |
88%Psyche - 11th Hour2005-10-10 / Nihil / Reads: 4265If anyone expects this album to continue the previous achievements of the group he/she may as well give up listening to it.11th Hour is a real breakthrough in Psyche's career -and it's really good! You may hear it already in the first recording - more melancholia, melody and Desperation (capital... |
95%Psychotropic Transcendental - Ax Libereld...2005-10-10 / Nihil / Reads: 4204When I listened to „Ax Libereld” for the first time I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how to classify, systematize or compare Psychotropic? I haven't found an answer until now and I think it's the best recommendation one may give to the group. Let's start from the... |
85%Retractor - No Resistance2005-10-10 / Attack / Reads: 3530Two days ago I got new LP from Retractor (Milton Sancheza, Anthony Stuarta oraz Ellen Enderle ) called „No Resistance”. Graphic design is similar to Alien anthology, acid and synthetic style. Music of the Retractor it’s a fast’n hard harsh-electro (from those heavy weighted). If someone like music served by... |
100%Rotersand - Welcome to Goodbye2005-10-10 / Selene / Reads: 11395I believe that after the previous CD “Truth Is Fanatic” (2003) no one expected that Rotersand's music will evolve so much. Although I'd had to wait for the release for two years I wasn't disappointed in the end; I'd even say that I was positively surprised. The essence of „Welcome... |