Copernicon 2013 guests and programme proposals
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Copernicon is closer and closer
Copernicon 2013 is closer and closer – it is only a bit over a month left till the beginning of the Festival. The organizers work very intensively and we are glad to inform that the firs guests are confirmed.
The festival will be visited not only by the writers but also by fantasy people from the world of film and comic. However, the writers will predominate. The fans of science-fiction will be glad thanks to the meeting with Jacek Inglot – the author of "Inqusitor" and "Wypędzony". He debuted in 1986 with his short story "Dira necessitas" but his career in fact started with his two first novels, already mentioned "Inquisitor" and "Quietus" which was nominated to Janusz A. Zajdel Award. Those who like the series "Kłamca" will be nicely surprised by Jakub Ćwiek. He is not only a writer but also a fan and expert of pop culture, which is visible in his creative output. In his texts he makes numerous references to books, films, songs or different mythologies. Copernicon 2013 is closer and closer – it is only a bit over a month left till the beginning of the Festival. The organizers work very intensively and we are glad to inform that the firs guests are confirmed.
Certainly Aneta Jadowska will also be present. She is recently one of the most promising writers of urban fantasy. The plot of her Dork Wilk takes place in Toruń so it will be easy to feel the atmosphere of the novel.
The fans of the cinema will be satisfied by the visit of Stanisław Mąderek. He is a director, scriptwriter, composer and actor. He is famous thanks to "Gwiazdy w Czerni", a movie produced in 2009, which is a parody of "Star Wars".
Is there anyone who doesn’t know a funny comic "Chata Wuja Freda"? Yes, Ilona Myszkowska, known as Woman-Snail will also visit Copernicon. Her webpage is extremely famous and the author herself has a great artistic talent.
Talking about drawing, another guest will be Witold Vargas. The illustrator of books for children and the teacher of drawing in his free time he also writes and do different stuff connected with music. Mostly known for his illustrations for "Bestiariusz słowiański(...)"
We also remind you about the possibility to apply as a programme creator or gofer. If you want to help in the creation of this year’s edition of Copernicon do not hesitate! Do you have something interesting to say and want to run an event? Or maybe you would like to help in servicing? It is enough to enter the webpage, register and choose what do you want to apply for. Visit also the event page on facebook and of course come to the festiwal!