Mind.In.A.Box - Revelations
Last topics on forum:
- Amphi Festival 2012 - 2012-07-31 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2011 - 2011-07-20 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2011 - 2011-06-16 (Festivals)
- Front Line Assembly + Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-10-14 (Concerts)
- E-tropolis Festival 2010 - 2010-06-27 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Respect The Music - Mind.In.A.Box release/promo party - Poznań 3 luty 2012 - FABRIKA - 2012-01-24
- Mind.In.A.Box - R.E.T.R.O - 2011-01-19
- Front Line Assembly i Mind.In.A.Box w Polsce! - 2010-10-16
- Europejska trasa koncertowa Front Line Assembly i Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-09-22
- Mind.In.A.Box - Memories - 2015-03-21 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box - Synchronize video - 2015-03-11 (News)
- New solo album by Stefan Poiss from mind.in.a.box ! - 2013-02-23 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box and THYX are starting a new experiment! - 2012-08-09 (News)
- A piece of news about Amphi Fest 2012 - 2012-03-26 (Events)
- mind.in.a.box Special - 2012-03-22 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box 'Revelations' contest - winners announced! - 2012-02-03 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box 'Revelations' world premiere - contest with great prizes - 2012-01-26 (News)
- European tournee Front Line Assembly and Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-09-21 (Events)
- Front Line Assembly and Mind.In.A.Box in Poland! - 2010-07-15 (Events)

In the world of Mind.In.A.Box, minds are imprisoned and usually unaware of their confinement. It is a metaphor for everything that prevents our minds from truly being free, from the shackles of everyday life to the fundamental feeling of aloneness a world increasingly exhibiting self-centered behavior provokes in many of us.
The songs of Mind.In.A.Box are stories from this world, building on the metaphor of imprisoned minds and the fact of our fundamental aloneness in the world. With Revelations, MIAB once again takes us into the world it has created, as voices, lush sounds, and elaborate rhythms blend into a staggering sonic mélange.Released on Metropolis Records and available January 10th, 2012.
01. Remember
02. Cause and Effect
03. Transition
04. Doubt
05. Control
06. Fragments
07. Unknown
08. Not Afraid
09. Second Reality
10. Sanctuary