mind.in.a.box Special
Last topics on forum:
- Amphi Festival 2012 - 2012-07-31 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2011 - 2011-07-20 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2011 - 2011-06-16 (Festivals)
- Front Line Assembly + Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-10-14 (Concerts)
- E-tropolis Festival 2010 - 2010-06-27 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Respect The Music - Mind.In.A.Box release/promo party - PoznaĆ 3 luty 2012 - FABRIKA - 2012-01-24
- Mind.In.A.Box - R.E.T.R.O - 2011-01-19
- Front Line Assembly i Mind.In.A.Box w Polsce! - 2010-10-16
- Europejska trasa koncertowa Front Line Assembly i Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-09-22
- Mind.In.A.Box - Memories - 2015-03-21 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box - Synchronize video - 2015-03-11 (News)
- New solo album by Stefan Poiss from mind.in.a.box ! - 2013-02-23 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box and THYX are starting a new experiment! - 2012-08-09 (News)
- A piece of news about Amphi Fest 2012 - 2012-03-26 (Events)
- Mind.In.A.Box 'Revelations' contest - winners announced! - 2012-02-03 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box 'Revelations' world premiere - contest with great prizes - 2012-01-26 (News)
- Mind.In.A.Box - Revelations - 2011-11-23 (News)
- European tournee Front Line Assembly and Mind.In.A.Box - 2010-09-21 (Events)
- Front Line Assembly and Mind.In.A.Box in Poland! - 2010-07-15 (Events)

Dreamweb music presents their second release which is also the first mind.in.a.box Special! mind.in.a.box selected five songs from the album and remixed them to dance able club smashers (http://www.dreamwebmusic.com/index.php/releases/28-revelationsclubmixes). The international release date is on the March 9th 2012. Watch the Teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-L_clr35lA. In addition, the band has renewed and expanded their merchandise website! (http://www.thyxmusic.com/store/).
"Revelations" by the Austrian electronic band mind.in.a.box was the first publication of Dreamweb and is the top of the German Alternative DJ-Charts (DAC) for the 5th week with an epic-point lead. In the first international publication week "Revelations" was also in the "Electronic Top 10 downloads" at I-tunes! The first performance of the band this year is coming soon, as early as April 8th at the Resistanz Festival in Sheffield / UK (http://www.corporation.org.uk/resistanzfestival/). A second European tour the band is discussed for autumn/winter.www.dreamwebmusic.com
01. Control (club.mix)
02. Cause and Effect (club.mix)
03. Remember (club.mix)
04. Unknown (club.mix)
05. Sanctuary (club.mix)