A Night At Berni in radio Merkury
Last topics on forum:
- koncert Alienoil+Sthilmann live + party - 28.09.2013 PoznaĆ - 2013-09-17
- ELECTROFOBIA - PHASE 0 - Sthilmann's Birthday Party - 2006-12-01
- VA - Halotan Records Sampler 05 is available now! - 2013-01-23 (News)
- Respect The Music - 2010-06-15 (Events)
- Halloween gig and contest - 2009-10-20 (Events)
- Tranceplantation - 2008-01-24 (Events)
- Electro Danceplossion - synth/electro concert - 2007-12-12 (Events)
- Good music for download! - 2007-12-04 (News)
- Sthilmann - Electro To The Trance - 2007-08-02 (News)
- ELECTROFOBIA. Twisted DJs Meeting - 2007-05-30 (Events)
- Crown of Emotions - soon - 2007-02-19 (News)
- Electrofobia #0 Sthilmanns birthday party - 2006-11-28 (Events)
This Saturday night at 11 pm we invite you to listen to A Night At Berni program (www.radiomerkury.pl) Special guest this: Maciej Arczykowski and Sthilmann (www.sthilmann.prv.pl)
Subject of this program will be synth pop music, 80s, synth & space. You have an opportunity to listen to Front Line Assembly and new MESH.