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Jerzy `Irbis` Gorczyca "Waiting" vs Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" 

About music, drama, drama in music and music in drama, I talk to the creator and mastermind of the project Absentia- Jerzy Gorczyca. 

AlterNation: Tell me, how did you come up with the idea for Godot?
The drama "Waiting for Godot" never was an inspiration. One of my friends associated Waiting with Beckett`s drama. I really like the interpret`s idea but I`d like to avoid an association between Absentia "Waiting" and this drama. Everyone has to answer by himself the question what is "Waiting" for him. The interpretation of the receivers are very important for me. 

AlterNation: If there is only one of the interpret`s idea then please give me a hint (first of all for those, who never had contact with Beckett`s drama) and explain what is the alussion of this music?

For this question everyone should answer by himself. The meaning of my cd`s rise on the point of the sound and a receiver. He is creating the story. For me it is waiting for changes. The moments when time stops going by the normal rhythm. When moments become an eternity. Then we ask ourselves "What will come next?". Then we look inside ourselves and reflect about all the possible ways which can waiting for us. Obvioustly Godot can be a personification the unknown. But it can also be ourselves when waiting comes to an end. Waiting has also another meaning. Nowadays when everything is running no one know what for, when "world went ahead", sometimes it is worth to wait and think. For a while be absent here, then turn up in the world where the questions are forming the future. 

AlterNation: Asks one "Shall we go?", and the other one answers "Lets go!" but neither of them makes any move to go- is this an example of what the cd is reflecting?

Sometimes yes. Because sometimes one can get lost in his own waiting for the unknown. Sometimes when we thinking too much about the future we lose contact with the present. A fear of what can be is blinding us. And even we want to move we stand still. 

AlterNation: How should we listen this cd, should we immerse in, get involved or just outlast it?
To integrate. Let imagination work. I do care that the receivers listen carefully to my music. Yes, I create background`s music but if it become a background then I willingly want to see it as a background to the others (somebody else`s) acts of creating. 

AlterNation: "Waiting"- but for what? Where to look for Godot- maybe it is a sign of some new project?
No. The one thing what is puting together my projects is a human being with personality and problems. After "Waiting" there is another cd created but I don`t know if it will come out someday. The fragments of that cd are on my MySpace profile. Now I`m working on the collection of my compositions which is entitled "Otherside". This album will be a music description of the events and places, such as a music story or rather a background for that. What will be a final- we will see. 

AlterNation: Tell me, when did you start to create your own compositions?
Around year 2002 I created "One step after". In 2004 I seriously thought of music as a way to express myself. Before it was all about having fun for me. 

AlterNation: Where do you look for inspiration?
Maybe it will sound banal, but in the happenings around me, in people and first of all in myself. All of my cd`s are some kind of stories about me. 

AlterNation: When do you mostly create?
I mostly create/draw at night between 2 and 4 a.m. then everything around me is absent. The city falls into sleep I can concentrate and distance myself. I love the sound of sleeping metropolis. 

AlterNation: Are all your compositions gloomy? It is not the kind of music that you can play in a dancing Eldorado... 
Gloomy. Can one understand it like that. For me the compositions are rather serious. Somehow they are suitable to the subject of the reflections in my compositions. I don`t describe easy or nice things and then the compositions become gloomy. Personally, for me this kind of music is perfect to find myself, to ask the questions and to travel to "other HERE". And if it comes to "playing in Eldorado" I belive that somewhere in the world there is a place where my music is suitable as I mentioned every one of my compositions are some kind of discription of places. 

AlterNation: Do you feel special in what you doing? Are you unique, what is the difference between you and the rest of the bands, musicians who are creating alternative music?
I don`t try to be similar to other project or band. Creating music I hope is suiting my imagination about a specific composition, subject and album. It is possible that sometimes one can find similarity to other artists. But it is not my intention to imitate someone else. First of all I care about expressing myself through my composition. And if I`m unique or not it depend on the critics and receivers. 

AlterNation: The name Absentia keeps nagging me- it is a quite banal. I also found other bands with the same name. Because of this aren`t you afraid that it will be difficult to find you? Even at this moment it is hard to strike (I mean the internet) your Absentia.
It is possible. I chose this name when I started to create (2001-2002). In that time I was lost. The personification of non-existence and emptiness was fascinating me. It was a lot of chaos in my life, maybe that is why I escaped in emptiness. Absentia it is a place for me where the world can not get us. The space somewhere inside ourselves where only we can enter. This is also perfect space for creation. Absentia is a composition before its created, a picture before its painted. Sometimes Absentia is a person to whom I want to speake. This person is "absent" in my world and I want to show it to her. And is this banal? It depends on interpretation. I didn`t choose it for the reason to be "Dark". I know the name is very popular. But this name became close to me and now I don`t want change it. In case that would happen it will mean I started some totally diffrent project. But now I`m still Absentia. 

AlterNation: I think every creator, writer, musician and painter have some kind of imagination about their own receivers. It is easy to see you don`t create for the masses and also not for shallow crowd. Tell me, what do you expect from your potential receivers of your music? That is, who will finds oneself and who will understands your music?
I think, the most important is not understanding but stimulation. I create for people who have an imagination. I wish my reciver would not be afraid to travel to other worlds. My work is one half the other half is a receiver. That is why I`m so glad everytime when someone tells me that his feelings connected to the music. Especially people nowadays underestimate the power of imagination.
Translator: Jowa
Add date: 2008-06-15 / Interviews

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