AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
CashMERE -

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Finally, I got my hands on a CD recorded by CashMERE from Krakow. News about the release of their debut album will most likely please their fans, who so far could hear Cash's music only during concerts.

CashMERE proves that not everything has been done in music and there's a wide range of possibilities available. During a musical journey of more than fifty minutes, the listener encounters suprising rhytmic, vocal, melodic and generic concepts. That's because CashMERE's music escapes simple classification. The band is perfectly aware of this and the inlay of their album says that they haven't got anything against various names and tags pinned to their music (that's because homo sapiens likes to give names and fears the unnamed).

Without any doubt, CashMERE's debut CD is exceptional. Uniqueness applies to several elements of this release. The first one is the frontwoman's voice and her electric violin. Tylda Ciołkosz leads vocals in an original way, often like an actor-singer. Her lyrics are a tale from the borders of fables, myths, soaked in magical, melancholical or even funny sauce. As for her violin music, it decisively influences the tempo breaks.

CashMERE's character comes from their avoidance of a single defined genre. There's jazz, prog rock, Celtic tunes and many more elements. It's lyrical and fairylike. One thing is sure: the musicians are having a good time while playing. The atmosphere of some tracks reminds me of the comical music project called Tiger Lillies. In CashMERE, there's a violin instead of an accordion. Whistling, screaming, laughing and giggling.

Cash invites for a journey through musical land that lacking clear definitions. A magical carriage takes the listener into unexplored regions, where jest and good fun reign, although sometime they give up their place to melancholy and fairy brooding. CashMERE's debut album most likely will be well received by fans looking for new experiences. "" is a land of laughs, where everything is possible.

The record released by their own record company, distributed by Rock Serwis, available in all so called "good" music stores.
Definitely recommended!

01. We’re in it Merely for the Cash
02. My Mellow
03. Gajamoja (z nieba ogień)
04. Horace the Wingless Wasp
05. Song for Narcissus
06. Jabbercrock
07. Drachenblut Letzte Glut
08. Mercury Rising
09. Song of Penelope: I Feed
10. Cannibal Swing
11. Exactly a Joke
Translator: apeiron
Add date: 2007-02-12 / Music reviews

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