AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Chemical Waves - The Garden of Forking Paths

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As you might have already found out by reading my reviews I have a fable for contemporary Italian new wave music. When I came across the Italian one-man-project Chemical Waves from Rome, I was - as you can imagine - quite anxious to listen to it. The press release made me curious about how Chemical Waves would sound like: Marco Cattani, a former member of the electronic band Halo Effect, formed the project out of a "desire to develop a different sound, the
desire to experiment and exploring a new musical form, a deep and intense sound running through dark atmospheres and obsessive rhythms".

Chemical Waves' first release The Garden of Forking Paths, indeed, sounds fresh and novel. Interestingly, all vocals are omitted in favour of samples. Although referenced as "New Wave Sampler Music" the sound of Chemical Waves has a distinct industrial feel, mainly carried by samples and synth tunes, but the high-pitched, almost "Guthriesque", guitar still plays a crucial role. Also post-rock traces slip in from time to time.
Songs like the post-punk influenced 'Hungry Kisses', the ballad 'Ever Loved' or the ethereal epic 'Murder TV' are an enjoyable auditive journey ("ride through history"), just to mention some. Each track is worth the attention, though. However, Chemical Waves saved the best for last: 'Closure', an extraordinary darkwave piece, convinced me of their excellence.

Another nice thing is that the album is available for free (!) download at the Afmusic label (


01. Radio America
02. The Origin
03. Soviet Army
04. Sweet Candy Bullets
05. The Great Dictator
06. The Other Side Of The Garden
07. Ever Loved
08. Hungry Kisses
09. I Don’t Like This At All
10. Murders Tv
11. Closure
Translator: harpia
Add date: 2013-03-25 / Music reviews

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