Contest with Vicious Night
Last topics on forum:
- Vicious Night - halo_05 - 2007-05-22 (Gigs)
- Vicious Night - halo_3 - 2007-02-18 (Gigs)
- Vicious Night - halo_2 - 2006-12-03 (Gigs)
- Vicious Night - halo_1 - 2006-10-24 (Gigs)
Last topics on forum:
- VICIOUS NIGHT - Deathcamp Project + Reactor7x + Krop + djs - 26.11 (sobota) - Warszawa - klub M25 - 2011-11-09
- 30.05.09 (sobota) - VICIOUS NIGHT halo_11 - Warszawa!!! - 2009-05-25
- Contest with Vicious Night - 2006-12-06 (Events)
- Contest with Vicious Night - 2006-11-05 (Events)

Alternation Music Magazine together with Visious Night invites you to take part in our blitz competition. You can win 2 double invitations to that event. All you need to do is answer these two simple questions:
1. How many DJs will be playing at this event?
2. Vicious is:
A. ruthless, brutal, wild
B. meek, neat, sweet
C. the name of the new tires in Father Rydzyk's maybach
Send the answers on [email protected], together with your full name till midnight of the 19th of October, as the draw will take place on Friday morning.
1. How many DJs will be playing at this event?
2. Vicious is:
A. ruthless, brutal, wild
B. meek, neat, sweet
C. the name of the new tires in Father Rydzyk's maybach
Send the answers on [email protected], together with your full name till midnight of the 19th of October, as the draw will take place on Friday morning.