Covenant - Sound Mirrors
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Covenant's new single ‚Sound Mirrors' gives us a first impression of their forthcoming album "The Blinding Dark". For the first time ever, the Swedes address distinctly topical events in world politics: the refugee crisis with its accompanying hysteria and the anxiety about the future of a European continent that looks forward into uncertainty.
'Sound Mirrors' were acoustic mirrors that looked like giant stone ears, placed along the English coast between 1916 and 1930 in order warn of approaching planes or war ships. The reference to the refugee crisis and creeping radicalisation of Europe becomes particularly obvious when hearing Covenant's lyrics for the corresponding song.
Musically, the band does not miss out on anything, delivering a club smasher that harks back to single classics such as ‚Stalker' or ‚Last Dance'. While unusual splashes of colour enhance the overall picture, ‚Sound Mirrors' is bound to become an enduring earworm that will soon set dancefloors aflame.
Available from 26 August 2016 by Dependent.'Sound Mirrors' were acoustic mirrors that looked like giant stone ears, placed along the English coast between 1916 and 1930 in order warn of approaching planes or war ships. The reference to the refugee crisis and creeping radicalisation of Europe becomes particularly obvious when hearing Covenant's lyrics for the corresponding song.
Musically, the band does not miss out on anything, delivering a club smasher that harks back to single classics such as ‚Stalker' or ‚Last Dance'. While unusual splashes of colour enhance the overall picture, ‚Sound Mirrors' is bound to become an enduring earworm that will soon set dancefloors aflame.
1. Sound Mirrors (version)
2. Sound Mirrors (faderhead remix)
3. In Theory
4. Sound Mirrors (Daniel Myer remix)
bonus track (only CD)
5. Sound Mirrors (iszoloscope remix)