AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Crippled Black Phoenix

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This time lovely and cozy Meskalina played host to a band called Crippled Black Phoenix. This is not a group for people who adore naming everything, and everyone who happened to pigeonhole the mentioned project would simply twist his or her tongue. Which makes the band even more intriguing.
The concert had been sold out and the audience that turned out represented was very diversified in terms of ages.
Live instruments in the form of three electric guitars with a bas included, along with drums, a violin, an acoustic guitar, which was played by the band's leader, appeared on stage, supported by keyboards and samples. There was no room for celebrity-like acting, just sheer onteraction with the audience. It was clearly visible that the artists were glad to perform in our country once again. During the show, the artists announced that the last year's gig in Poland was one of the brightest moments on tour and that they were immensly pleased to perform yet again in the best place.
Almost two-hour, extraordinarily dynamic concert managed to animate even the most orthodox malcontens; it was truly enthusiastically received on the part of the gathered. The band did not want to part with the audience so easily and vice versa.
All this resulted in three encores, while one of the last pieces - "Burnt Reynolds" was sung along with the fans. Somewhat a cosmic energy did manage to get accumulated at the club, the energy that was brought about by absolutely looped tunes and the guitar eruption of noise.
Everything sounded just right and none fo the listeners wanted the event to come to an end. During the very last piece a special guest appeared on stage - a huge orange teddy bear, whose presence encouraged everyone to enjoy that ever crazier fun.
Sort of a musical rollercoaster.
At the end, after a-few-miunte applauses, calls and after having sung altogether "Burnt Reynolds", the group of musicians came back on stage and got round to joint vocalizing to the sounds played by the drums.
Crippled Black Phoenix presented itself as a band consisting of musicians who feel perfect when performing and have no difficulties in evincing any form of interaction with their audience, simultanouesly distinguishing themsleves with a wonderful snese of humor.
Little do we have to do now but to hope they will return to Poland.

Fanstastic Justice
A Lacko f Common Sense
Goodnight, Europe
Song for the Loved
Of a Lifetime
The Brain / Poznan
We Forgotten Who We Are
Rise Up and Fight
Burnt Reynolds
Time of Ye Life / Born for Nothing / Paranoid Arm of Narcoleptic Empire

Translator: murd
Add date: 2011-05-22 / Live reports

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