AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Cruentus - Audition Of Your Modern Nitemare

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In times when we are threatened by the country getting deserted due to the young and talented emigrating to work and live elsewhere it's scary to think what will happen to our alternative scene. I won't hide that all pop productions made in Poland just don't get to me, but what is humming and buzzing under the pink icing of our lovely little swamp in the middle of Europe amazes me more and more. Just don't let it escape!

Take Cruentus. I have to admit that the music got to me first, followed by the fact that they are Polish. What a positive shock :). Let's add a great website (, and we have a ready export. But, before we send them to earn some breadmoney abroad, give them a chance to play on their home turf...

"Audition of Your Modern Nitemare" was undoubtedly meant for me... I don't want to say that my singing while shaving is a nightmare (well, you never know...), I mean the threads appearing on the EP. The Kovenant ("Animatronic"), Mnemic ("Mechanical Spin Phenomena"), Fear Factory ("Demanufacture"), Mortiis ("Smell Of Rain"), Re:aktor ("Zero Order") - those bands come to mind upon listening to the material by the guys from Szczecin, but only as positive connotations - Cruentus intrasigently prove that they've got their own style and know what they want.

From the very beginning it's a very "solid" and "let's go" record - "Techno Satan Shit" starts with a quick beat, joined by mean guitars and an even meaner vocal performance. Definitely not one for those looking for some soothing and relaxing sounds... But if you like to streamroll over some newborns by any chance...
And the Mnemic-like ending - yummy!

"Simple_Dekonstruktion", and the ride continues. It sounds like a natural extension to "Techno Satan Shit", and this, in my opinion, is a huge asset - the EP is perfectly planned, no dissonance here. What's more, both songs are great for heavily mechanized dancefloors (this fact shall be used by a few evil DJs in the nearest future...)

"The New Era Progeny" is a track that The Kovenant would not be ashamed of (together with the title). A very catchy chorus, an aggressive beat, only Cruentus can make you satisfied this way ;). Fusion metal in its glory - and there's also a guitar solo!

"Strukturized Human Produkt" - the last track of the main part, and my favourite. Here, Cruentus spreads its wings in a devastating manner. If you don't believe me - off you go to their myspace profile (! Archangel, Shi-Mon, Binar,

KRN, MRTZ and Sulphur squeeze from the instruments (and from themselves) a deadly intensive 3:32. Well, maybe I am just a sucker who falls for Burton-like chanting and Mircea-styled guitar-breaks. It's a hit :).

Additionally, we get a bonus set. Above all, a very very veeery atmospheric instrumental "Frequency_Lost" making your cyberclaws come out on their own. I hope it's not the last display of a lighter shade of Cruentus. Two remixes: "Simple RE-Konstruktion (DB RMX)" and "Technosatan (Gasmask Deluxe RMX)" complete this very good and even release, offering something to those, who can't live without remixes. Damned bastards, they want to satisfy everyone ;).

Oh yes, dear Ladies - especially for you I hasten to add that the boys of Cruentus look quite nice and plan to roam Poland a bit giving some concerts... Get ready to throw some steel underwear on the stage! I assume the band live's performances contain even more fire and sulphur.

To sum it all up - a professionally released (both visually and sonically) very good EP of a promising band I see a bright future before, as long as they are going to act as zealously as they play on "Audition of Your Modern Nitemare". Keep it real and don't give up!

Cruentus - Audition of Your Modern Nitemare

01. Techno Satan Shit
02. Simple_Dekonstruktion
03. New Era Progeny
04. Strukturized Human Produkt
Bonus Trax:
05. Frequency_Lost
06. Simple_RE-Konstruktion (DB RMX)
07. Techno-Satan (Gasmask Deluxe RMX)
Translator: Vesper
Add date: 2006-10-03 / Music reviews

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