AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Distorted World - Between The Strophes

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A hell baby from Distorted World (a side project of keyboardist from Anthracitic Moths) was born at the beginning of the cold Russian winter, but the fiery atmosphere, that on the album Between the Strophes leader of the group is trying to create, Ivan M., would melt Siberian ice.

Distorted World offers listener a drink consisting mainly of burning palate dark electro, not striking to the head at once, but steadily distributing through the body. Taste palette is based on moderately severe beat, distorted vocals (sometimes donating place to a female voice) with a complete range of typical for such a transformed sound samples. Of course, the first impression, that affects the tongue, is the taste of acute Tabasco. For more powerful heads, however, it will be disappointing - the music disappears from the blood as soon as it appears in.
But it does not mean, that it can not satisfy desires. Ivan tries, and that’s why it has an intriguing flavor. It still does not repeat the same scheme, but sometimes deviates with an equal amplitude in two different directions - toward the sounds that are more symphonic, dark wave or - on the other hand – harsh ones.

To a heavy, dark atmosphere of the record introduces the listener intro, as if taken from a dream about the boiler room, in which Freddy Krueger is lurking. It is true, that in the climax moment we will not experience anticipated grating of a blade to a rusty steel, but a smooth transition into dark electro beats – an introduction to a danceable Mysterious World. It has everything, which is typical to the genre - from demonic laughter which is sampled and cries of pain to the synthetic background straight from horror movies and disturbing keyboards. Decent work, but not showing any individual nature of the project.
That manifests itself in the title one Between the Strophes - more structured, hypnotic, and – as it seems - determined to create a steady gloomy atmosphere. But suddenly for listener to the song was introduced a sequence of piano’s delicate tones, that may confuse those, who hoped for a typical, hundred percent heavy electronic sounds. Piano enriches the track like a glimpse of the real world among the imaginary of infernal darkness.
Because of its much milder character Dream stands out the most from all the material. Beginning from the symphonic sounds gradually becomes alike Suicidal Romance tones, and that transformation is accompanied there for the first time (and the last) by playing major role melancholic vocal of Angelina, reminding a manner of Amy Lee from Evanescence. It is accompanied at some point by converted voice of Ivan and although it seems, that Angelina does not cope with the task entrusted to her, it would be a good idea to leave the entire work to her, which would maintain almost sleepy and, in fact, a pleasant climate to all. The text is a lyric from Edgar Allan Poe. Frankly, I can not imagine a good interpretation made that way, how did the members of Distorted World.
The pendulum swings the other way...
Heavy, harsh Hexentanz is like the first serious blow to the head of consumed alcohol. Strong, distorted guitar riffs add imbalance to the steps. Devil dances still, with hoofs stepping the rate - and he is getting more confident of success, which gives expression in the next in line, rhythmical Boiler Room. The same heavy, suffocating atmosphere accompanies the listener already to the end of the material.
Guitars, accompanied by haunting, choral sounds from a synthesizer like from the depths of Hades, return in Devil Worship. Attention is drawn almost innocently, and therefore even more arousing with pleasant shiver of anxiety intermezzo. Almost synthesis of characteristic features of the record remains in Ruined Kingdoms. Again we can hear (in the chorus) Angelina, and the composition itself has a blockbuster potential (of course, on the dark stage), but for a moment it does not resign from the darkness and electronic weight.
Remixes represent quite a broad spectrum - from industrializing death metal (Kos Klimenko) to light things or not very different from the original compositions.

Most of the songs is based on a moderate pace, which keeps the burden at a fairly stable spring, as if the project leader decided to slowly fall into a craziness instead of having violent attacks of insanity. The content of the album seems as not being caressed, which is probably an intentional technique, but by that some sounds seems to be out of place and "infantile". Vocal also does not belong to the first division. These and other features causes, that the work of Distorted World, although it has its advantages, bears especially hallmarks of mediocrity. However, fans of Beati Mortui and similar devil climates should be satisfied.

Yes, Distorted World is playing at the central circle of hell.


01. Intro
02. Mysterious World
03. Between the Strophes
04. Dream (feat. Angelina)
05. Hexentanz
06. Boiler Room
07. Cursed Herd
08. Devil Worship
09. March of the Rotting Flesh
10. Ruined Kingdoms
11. Outro – Birth of Chaos
12. Hexentanz (Kos Klimenko remix)
13. Devil Worship (Desmodus remix)
14. Between the Strophes (Freaky Mind remix)
15. Hexentanz (Bleak Freak remix)
16. Devil Worship (Type V Blood remix)
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2013-05-21 / Music reviews

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