AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Flammable Sounds

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The project consists of two parts. The first one is a pack of remixes done by Plankton, concerning bands we already have met: Bel Polipo, Hyoscyamus Nigger. The second is a batch of songs, some of which I remember from Plankton's "Underground - Software & Hardware". All interested parties are kindly asked to read its review. I shall focus on what's getting to me from the speakers right now. The first part is meant to arise even the faintest interest in the listener. I am suspended over the keyboard and can't say a thing. Monotony and boredom. The shy sounds can't get through my rambling thoughts. The mess in my head is too big for the uncertainty, or more like... indecisiveness makes me ask a question: why like that, and not somehow different? Where do you come from? Why am I listening to you? You - the sounds beyond time, beyond answers, beyond the words I'm giving birth to... I don't know, maybe I'm expecting too much. These feelings should not be. The sounds are awy beyond me. They don't touch me at all. Too superficial, emotionally inproductive. Same reactions were present with the previous project. At first, I wasn't at all convinced about its worth, but the hope blossomed. And now I'm looking at my miserable keyboard and nothing's there. I keep looking and... nothing. Nothing's going to grow. Nothing gets to my ears. Well, it might be a matter of taste... Not my cup of tea, apparently... I don't want to be unjust, though. So I focus once more and "bite" one track after another, not allowing to omit something. The first one "Slown Burn" doesn't get to me at all. Nothing is set on fire here. When I'm listening, the "hell knows what" phrase comes to my mind. The mood is missing, in my opinion. It's just a "cluster" of weird, but unsure sounds. I feel as if the sounds were not totally premeditated. Of course, I'm all for experimenting and even randomness, but it ain't always a good idea... The next one - Bel Polipo, creates a certain tension. Electrical crackling, hums, suspensions, whispers, breaks in the growing anxiety. An interesting track, the end of which suprised me. I stopped being suspended over the keyboard! It cut the monotony and it's finishing in a weird way. Forcing oddities occured to be a good idea this time... DeeJayDelta can wake one up - it's a very energetic track, the drum dynamics make it different from all the other songs. A good feature of such albums. The biggest suprise is the "Future Proof" track. What is this "proof"? I shall never know... The music isn't bad, but the man "singing" there is not a good addition to the track. On the other hand Hyoscyamus Niger "by Plankton" is absolutely charming. Nothing suprising in that! This song is very catchy, not being banal at the same time! "When the Over" by Lampa is in my opinion the best track on the disc. Impressive, classical and noble.

The second part is a reversal. Some tracks by Plankton have been remixed by other bands. What caught my attention initially, was "Seguential A Memorie". The remix is totally different from the original, that can be found on "Underground...". The original was interesting, but Maciej Werk's remix is even better! A totally different mood! It's really enjoyable - a delicate rhythm broken by alarming squeaks, unidentified objects. "Strange Performance" in a new version is as glorious as the original. Sometimes it's so different, so better. Although it's hard to fight the monotony I've already mentioned, I must say the project is refined, giving us new, fresh solutions. My fave "Neodymowe Kropelki" in a changed version aren't so charming any longer... But the new "Sacrum" is a dynamic change from the tranquilizing sounds. I can't forget to mention "No Mercy", such a delicate and subtle track, that if not for the background screams, the title wouldn't be telling anything at all. It's even pretty jumpy! One could swing a bit to this! There's hope... I must confess that listening to this, I got a bit tired, but I had my moments of revelation. It's not so hopeless as I thought at first. Music for the enduring ones. I endured and discovered many interesting solutions! Some tracks shall accompany me from this day... Take "Vampirie" in a new version as an example. It's so great that I'm ready to force everyone to listen to the record at least 10 times because of this track (and Lampa)! The violins in "Vampirie" are a breath of eternity enslaved for a brief moment, here and now...

The oddities are mixed with classical, sometimes touching moments. Overcomed by things we always long for. In such moments I know the answer to the question: why like that, and not somehow different...

Rating 70% for the tracks that are outstanding


1. Adrian Anioł-Slown Burn RMX By PLANKTON
2. Bel Polipo-06 RMX By PLANKTON
3. DeeJayDelta- DeeJayDelta RMX By PLANKTON
4. Future Proof-Dowód Przyszłości RMX By PLANKTON
5. Hyoscyamus Niger-W Izolacji RMX By Plankton
6. Lampa-When The Over RMX By PLANKTON
7. Licho-Out-RMX By Plankton
8. Licho-Świtezianka RMX By PLANKTON
9. Nejmano Project-Paranormal RMX By PLANKTON
10. Nejmano Project-Xenobia RMX By PLANKTON
11. Circus Twist-La,la la la RMX By PLANKTON
12. Silence-That Nothing Seems RMX By Plankton

Flammable Sounds

1. Phase Alternate Line RMX By Adrian Anioł
2. RMX Bel Polipo
3. Ciecz RMX By Hyocymus niger
4. Sequential A Memorie-RMX Maciej Werk
5. No Mercy RMX By Future Proof
6. The Strange Performance RMX By Nejmano Project
7. Profanum RMX By Nemano Project
8. Divertimento Berceuse-RMX BY Nejmano Project po masteringu Volu
9. Zgniecione Serce RMX By PALSECAM
10. PLANKTON Vampirie RMX By npc
11. Neodymowe Kropelki RMX By PLANKTON
12. Sacrum RMX By PLANKTON
Translator: Nathashah
Add date: 2006-03-25 / Music reviews

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