Hexentanz - Nekrocrafte

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This is a typical ritual ambient! Hexentanz is a project, which appeared as a merge of Psychonaut 75 and The Soil Bleeds Back. Their first longplay is for sure a fulfilment of expectations evoked by the group's name. While listening to the album one may have the impression that he lost his way and by accident got to the witches sabat instead of five o'clock tea at auntie's . The track „Nekrocrafte” introduces the mode and its aim is to make you feel the spirit of the Medieval Ages. Instrumentarium and sounds like of the XV th century serve the purpose perfectly. The next recording „Mark of the witch” is an absolute meisterstueck of the ritual music. Stable rhythm, fluttering sounds the background, scarcely audible groans, bells... all this makes you feel the mood of the album. All this is supplemented with the ideal vocal, reciting the medieval incantations. The next tracks hold firm in the quality and I must admit that I have never heard such a climatic ambient project, such Medieval- oriented, in my whole life. Gloomy and full od [black] magic, the tracks are an ideal translation of the rituals to the music. The tools the band uses for making music is worth mentioning. The authentic texts of the Medieval incantations, a bit od electronic sounds, instrumentarium of Inquisition times and ... human bones. Makes impression, really, just like „Nekrocrafte” does.
1. Midnight Procession
2. Mark Of The Witch
3. Devil's Mass
4. Birth Is Through Blood
5. Binding Of Shadows
6. Profane The Twelve
7. Bringer Of The Luciferian Flame
8. Abjuring The Cross
9. Dirge To The Deceased