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Interview with Beast Of Prey

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Dobermann: Will you please tell us something about history of your label?

-Beast of Prey: The story is quite simple: I established Beast Of Prey in 2001. I had been making music that I wanted to have published somewhere and I keep doing that now. I didn't escape the problem each of the young artist has, namely problem with publishing music. I established the label not knowing that it will become so successful. At first I published my own music and then I started promoting other projects and their music. Since 2001 I've published 25 different CDs including 6 publishings made in cooperation with other projects, I've also helped several projects in promotion. Generally speaking, I do my best to support the music I'm involved in.

D: What do you think about the condition of Polish independent scene? Is it worth releasing uncommercial projects in Poland?

-BoP: I think that as for such a big country the scene is relatively poor but still it could be worse. There are a few quite good projects in Poland whose CDs were published by great foreign companies. There are plenty of projects making experimental music like ambient, industrial or harsh noise. There are several labels who publish and promote such music. What the Polish scene lacks is, in my opinion, neo -folk project, magazines/webzines and portals which would promote such music, cause so far there's only been Apostazja which deals with music of Beast Of Prey vibes. As to the the question whether it is worth promoting uncommercial music in Poland or not... well I think it's worth doing what you like. If I didn't like it I wouldn't deal with it ; it's not profitable but it enriches spiritually.

D: To what extent should the independent label be eclectic (I mean as far as the released projects are concerned)? Is it advisable at all?

-BoP: Each label has its field. Beast Of Prey works on the field of dark electronic music called anti-music. It's a sort of eclecticism as I combine different music genres and as a result different projects and bands. I do not publish a single music genre or kind but I work within one scene.

D: What's the way you promote new bands?

-BoP: After the publication, each band is promoted. We make promo materials and send it all around the world. We send it to various magazines, webzines, portals and radios. The CDs' reviews are available in all sorts of magazines in various language versions. Additionally, we always make flyers, we print quite a lot of them and send them, too. We obviously promote the projects and their music through the Internet, we advertise them in magazines, on the concerts and on the parties. We do what we can to help the projects in promoting their music.

D: What conditions does the band need to fulfil to become a part of your label?

-BoP: There are several conditions but the most important is the music. What I also take into consideration is the creativity while making the music and the instruments used for the recording. The artist's personality and his/her idea for the project are also important. The project's activity is also essential as we're not looking for the projects which will record one or two things and stop being interested in all this music making. Obviously, the first impression is crucial: I simply detest the bands sending me promo materials without description like e.g. without the information concerning the titles, or , as it's happened once, without any contact information. If the artist doesn't bother to provide the short CD or demo description or even to write a short letter then he/she shouldn't expect any warm welcome from me.

D: What are the most important advantages and disadvantages of your job?

-BoP: The greatest advantage is undoubtedly the access to music. We are music fans, the collectors and through the activity we lead we have the access to the vast majority of CDs. The fact that I may listen to all these CDs and dive into the music is a real advantage. The contacts, thanks to which I may meet many interesting people and exchange the ideas concerning CDs, concerts, music and scene etc. with them, are also advantageous. The job itself gives a lot of positive energy; we are surrounded by the music we love. The disadvantage of this work is economy : it demands enormous amounts of money and we really have to think a lot to obtain means for the next publishing. Unfortunately, my hobby is as it is, and as any other hobby it takes some money. If we didn't release CDs and, for example, collected stamps, then we would spend money on it anyway. Everyone has his/her own hobby and we've got our music, CDs and the whole world connected to it.

D: What are your publishing plans and plans for the future?

-BoP: I don't like informing about my plans, I may only assure you and the readers that we will keep publishing and promoting music and the bands. For sure they will be unique: unconventional publishings, limited and hugely twisted.
Translator: Dobermann
Add date: 2005-10-01 / Interviews

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