Interview with Bunkier Productions

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Dobermann: Will you please tell us something about history of your label?
-Bunkier Productions: Bunkier Productions was established in 2001. It was when I finished recording “Ghosts Of Breslau” which was later published as „Peste”. I hadn't even thought of sending it somewhere, I wanted to publish it myself. I had been looking for the name and Tomek suggested releasing it as of BP. He had wanted to publish some music for a long time and so this way I found the publisher while he found the first project ready to be released. Afterwards everything speeded up, we published the collection „Songs From The Bunker” and the label got noticed.
D: What do you think about the condition of Polish independent scene? Is it worth releasing uncommercial projects in Poland?
-BP: I think the condition is quite good, there are a lot of new independent labels emerging. Yet, the artistic level of the “independent” artists is the other thing. Is it worth publishing? Sure, unless the only thing you care about is money. Definitely, it's nice to earn money on the published CD, yet if we can afford to publish the next one, that's something as well. What matters is satisfaction. I believe that those involved in 'independent” (what does it mean, anyway?) scene are mostly hotheads who love music and do not care for profits. Is it possible to earn in such conditions?
D: To what extent should the independent label be eclectic (I mean as far as the released projects are concerned)? Is it advisable at all?
-BP: I think it mostly depends on publisher and his activity idea. It can be that the publisher wishes to specialize in one genre like noise only. In such case the audience will know what to expect from the label's publishings. It influences the “up bringing”of the faithful clients who will know that they may buy your publishings at random.
D: What's the way you promote new bands?
-BP: We send promo leaflets to the labels and distributors who cooperate with us, we join them to any CD/packet we send. We advertise them in the Internet, both on Polish and foreign forums and on portals connected with the music of BP style. Generally: electronic grape-vine, the net of friends. It's getting better with every new CD that we release, I think it's because people know that they may trust to BP products.
D: What conditions does the band need to fulfil to become a part of your label?
-BP: We have to like it, that's obvious. They have to play the music which is of our kind: neo-folk, martial industrial, psychodelia, ambient. We won't publish anything we don't like, though it might be popular. We do not make any cold calculation as to whether the particular CD is or isn't profitable. The music you send to us should be of good quality as far the recording is concerned. We are not looking for virtuosity on condition that the sounds are interesting and performed with passion. We do not intend to search the music in the flood of noise and wheeze, only for the reason that the band recorded the CD at Kasprzaka Street or has the poor sound card in the computer!
D: What are the most important advantages and disadvantages of your job?
-BP: Advantages? The pure joy of publishing the music worth of promotion. It's an amazing feeling when you have the publishing ready and you know you have been working hard on it and you see that people buy it. The biggest disadvantage? Financial limits, I'm afraid. It often happens that we have a great idea but we haven't got money for its realization. It may be frustrating. This is also the reason why we can't afford publishing CDs and vinyls, but we know than Bunkier's music is worth of it. We're working on it.
D: What are your publishing plans and plans for the future?
-BP: We 're working on the compilation at the moment. I'm thinking about the idea details and we complete the list of the bands which we would like to invite. And later? I think it will be the second big CD Ghosts Of Breslau, Division S perhaps or CD with remixes. Perhaps we will expand Bunkier's activity to other medias. We will see, keep you fingers crossed.
-Bunkier Productions: Bunkier Productions was established in 2001. It was when I finished recording “Ghosts Of Breslau” which was later published as „Peste”. I hadn't even thought of sending it somewhere, I wanted to publish it myself. I had been looking for the name and Tomek suggested releasing it as of BP. He had wanted to publish some music for a long time and so this way I found the publisher while he found the first project ready to be released. Afterwards everything speeded up, we published the collection „Songs From The Bunker” and the label got noticed.
D: What do you think about the condition of Polish independent scene? Is it worth releasing uncommercial projects in Poland?
-BP: I think the condition is quite good, there are a lot of new independent labels emerging. Yet, the artistic level of the “independent” artists is the other thing. Is it worth publishing? Sure, unless the only thing you care about is money. Definitely, it's nice to earn money on the published CD, yet if we can afford to publish the next one, that's something as well. What matters is satisfaction. I believe that those involved in 'independent” (what does it mean, anyway?) scene are mostly hotheads who love music and do not care for profits. Is it possible to earn in such conditions?
D: To what extent should the independent label be eclectic (I mean as far as the released projects are concerned)? Is it advisable at all?
-BP: I think it mostly depends on publisher and his activity idea. It can be that the publisher wishes to specialize in one genre like noise only. In such case the audience will know what to expect from the label's publishings. It influences the “up bringing”of the faithful clients who will know that they may buy your publishings at random.
D: What's the way you promote new bands?
-BP: We send promo leaflets to the labels and distributors who cooperate with us, we join them to any CD/packet we send. We advertise them in the Internet, both on Polish and foreign forums and on portals connected with the music of BP style. Generally: electronic grape-vine, the net of friends. It's getting better with every new CD that we release, I think it's because people know that they may trust to BP products.
D: What conditions does the band need to fulfil to become a part of your label?
-BP: We have to like it, that's obvious. They have to play the music which is of our kind: neo-folk, martial industrial, psychodelia, ambient. We won't publish anything we don't like, though it might be popular. We do not make any cold calculation as to whether the particular CD is or isn't profitable. The music you send to us should be of good quality as far the recording is concerned. We are not looking for virtuosity on condition that the sounds are interesting and performed with passion. We do not intend to search the music in the flood of noise and wheeze, only for the reason that the band recorded the CD at Kasprzaka Street or has the poor sound card in the computer!
D: What are the most important advantages and disadvantages of your job?
-BP: Advantages? The pure joy of publishing the music worth of promotion. It's an amazing feeling when you have the publishing ready and you know you have been working hard on it and you see that people buy it. The biggest disadvantage? Financial limits, I'm afraid. It often happens that we have a great idea but we haven't got money for its realization. It may be frustrating. This is also the reason why we can't afford publishing CDs and vinyls, but we know than Bunkier's music is worth of it. We're working on it.
D: What are your publishing plans and plans for the future?
-BP: We 're working on the compilation at the moment. I'm thinking about the idea details and we complete the list of the bands which we would like to invite. And later? I think it will be the second big CD Ghosts Of Breslau, Division S perhaps or CD with remixes. Perhaps we will expand Bunkier's activity to other medias. We will see, keep you fingers crossed.