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Walking on the ceiling
It's all about people to come to the concert and go out satisfied, to become the salves to our sounds. I found myself on the rehearsal of this extremely nice band. After having drunk several glasses of the beverage [I won't tell the brand] I listened to almost the whole material and as usual I wasn't disappointed. We went to the conversation I wanted from the very beginning almost at once...
Łukasz Żyła: So here we go...
-Future Proof: Hello.
ŁŻ: You have recently released the promo material on your own. Could you describe the contents in a few words.
-FP: Our material (author's annotation:Spacerując wśród Cierni ) is a common manifestation of love, which may take various forms. Each song, though sonically dirty, shows variety of that feeling, as love is joy and suffering at the same time. You know, we suddenly woke up in the middle of a dream and we decided to do something. We are not afraid of this challenge we posed to the world, to the city Rybnik.
ŁŻ: One could say that you are the beginners. Tell us a bit about your first difficulties.
-FP: There were none. The first meeting: throw against the wall, walk on the ceiling, the first song. The second meeting: a specific “blast” and we already knew we were made for each other. The third meeting: we realized there's no turning back and this is how we became future proof
ŁŻ: Do you see such space in the contemporary music that could describe you stylistically?
-FP: Yes. The fourth meeting and we became the symmetry of chaos.
ŁŻ: Could you specify this a bit?
-FP: Three imaginative guys walks on various paths, enter the cellar and see a cobweb (author's annotation : there is a cobweb in my cellar), then they look around, they see the shadows and they laugh and they see the light...
ŁŻ: Art does not come from nothingness. Where do you get your inspiration from?
-FP: Everything influences us: all what is inside of us. One guy comes to the rehearsal completely pissed off, the other full of joy. Each of us brings something individual to the rehearsal and this is how our symmetry comes out. The symmetry of feelings.
ŁŻ: What do you think about your performance at Insomnia Art Festival?
-FP: It's nice that something like INSOMNIA took place. It will definitely help establishing contacts within the environment of people making electronic music. It was our first concert and very important experience. The material had been prepared before. The CD was something like a further way.
ŁŻ: Do you care about promotion or do you think your music may defend itself?
-FP: Presentation of the music itself is our promotion. It's all about people to come to the concert and go out satisfied, to become the salves to our sounds.
ŁŻ: What is the way you make your songs?
-FP: Each song is different so the way of making it is different as well. You know, we're not the machines for making music. Usually there is a loop, sample ( which comprises in 98% of the music made earlier).Then we add the rest to it; the whole evolves gradually. First of all, we make music when feel like doing it. We are not worried that we won't have any ideas later as we have plenty of ideas. In fact, the song exists when the three of us are together.
-Tomasz Kuna vel Kuroń (Synthesizers, programming, graphics, production)
-Mariusz Małyj Baton vel DeNotab (vocals)
-Grzegorz Ząbka vel Żaba (guitars)
The band was established in 2004 and had a chance of playing in Rybnik for two times : The first concert (mentioned above) was Insomnia while the second one took place in ŻELAZNA where the band presented more professional technical aspect (many thanks for Michał Szóstka & co). The FUTURE PROOF CD “Spacerując wśród cierni “ is available on www.futureproof.pl
Other articles:
- Future Proof - Spacerując Wśród Cieni - 2006-01-21 (Music reviews)