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1. You both play in different formations: Schnitter in TRH, Smola in Egoist, so what made you start MonsterGod?
MG: Schnitter doesn't play in TRH anymore, Smola acts only as a live support in Egoist that's why MonsterGod is not a side-project anymore, but main one. Monstergod was established, that's all.
2. In what way is the music of MonsterGod different from what you do in TRH and Egoist?
MG: It's enough to listen and compare :) TRH was more gothic-like. egoist is fully independent from us. MonsterGod is a combination of EBM, industrial and gothic.
3. You've given plenty of concerts, including those big gigs like with Haujobb, Architect and Destroid – so what are your impressions concerning these events ? Are you planning any big concerts in the nearest future?
MG: We enjoyed the concert with Myer. We're planning to play in Sopot now. No, seriously we're interested both in bigger gigs and the concert in packed, smoky clubs. If only we've got enough time and strength.
4. On your demo “Newborn Monster” once can hear fragments of poetry by Baudelaire and Blake - why have you chosen those particular poets?
MG: Because we like their poetry: it's ambiguous, multidimensional.
5. Is this true that the bands is planning to come back to Wroclaw? Why?
MG: The band cannot change the place of residence, but the members. Schnitter is in Wrocław, perhaps Smola will come back to the mother city one day.
6. During the festival DarkBeat in Wroclaw you presented an interesting scenic image – where did the idea come from?
MG: And that's why such reservation was necessary. We want to be ambiguous to make the people think it over.
7. On your website (www.monstergod.com) one can read that your inspiration is electro-industraial and EBM, while more and more often it can be heard the opinion that electro is over and nothing new can be invented within this genre. What's your opinion about it and do you think that the music of MonsterGod brings something new to the genre?
MG: we haven't thought about it. We're not writing the history of music after all, but songs that we like. Can a music style be over? Is classical music over? Or jazz?It's rather fashion that changes. And it's a natural occurrence. We don't want to be fashionable. Our main aim is to be ourselves and have fun. If someone likes our music it'll be a nice bonus.
8. On the same site there is a note that MonsterGod have no political or religious connotations, but at the same time you mention Laibach ( who is very well known for his political lyrics) to be your source of inspiration. Is it about the music then or who to understand your statement? do you think that the music of that kind shouldn't be engaged?
MG: We don't believe that the music can change government. The governments are usually indifferent. We appreciate Laibach for everything, for engagement as well, but it's not Laibach that changed the system of the former Yugoslavia.
9. Thinking of your image, lyrics and the things you wrote about yourself I've an impression that there is a certain double-dealing to it, intentional lack of consequence, a kind of a mockery of definitions and classification. How to understand the divergence?
MG: You're very clever :) Lack of consequence is autonomous and is a base for MonsterGod. The music project should - in our opinion -carry plenty of meanings, even if they were ambigous and undefined. It's much more interesting, isn't it?
10. Why is your official website available only in English? Don't you care for the Polish audience? Do you think it's hard foe the young bands/projects to come into being on Polish 'dark independent' scene? If so – what's the reason for it?
MG: We are cosmopolitans out of birth. It'd be extremely hard to find some patriotic or national features in us. We were born in Poland and that's all. The question has a long tradition in Poland. in Sweden and Finland nobody would've asked about it.
11. And of course the question closing the majority of the interviews – I think quite optimistic though :) - What are your plans for the nearest future?
MG: The closest plan is our concert during Blue Moon Festival in Cracow. Then the shows in Wrocław, Warsaw, Poznań and perhaps some trips abroad. This year we're planning to record a full material : about 12 songs. Until the moment we sign the agreement with the publisher we're planning to finance the CD on our own.
And one extra question: what is all about with this peach ice tea? ;D
MG: Nestea is a company that finances our artistic activity. It's really about the sale – MonsterGod is a synonym for Nestea
Monstergod :
Schnitter - vocals, keyboards, sampling
Smola - keyboards, sampling, programming