AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Interview with Victorians

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1. We can say that Victorians as a band is a total work of art, it’s not only music but also image. What lies behind the choice of this stylistics? What does 19th century Victorianism have what other epochs do not?

Utis: It seems for us that everything is flat and the real experience is not available. People have stopped dreaming about adventures because they want to have peace and quiet. They don’t look for answers even when a question is quite simple... but this is a matter of choice! The problem is when people do not make this choice, when they choose mediocrity though no man is just average from his nature!
Once people fought about their existence, they left testimony of unbelievable passion and genius. They took risk, they were beautiful crazy men, they asked art and science... today they do not seek experience. It is thought that nothing new can appear because mankind has already experienced everything. But what is mankind for! The life of one single man can be filled with everything what our ancestors, who created ideas more lasting than nations, were fighting for. And this odyssey of a single "I", this epic part of life, this life for real (not virtually) – this is something which other epochs lack in.

2. Can you tell us something about the creation process of Revival? How was it?

Eydis: It was hard but really enjoyable and didactic time.
Vi: The material was created for about a year and a half. During this time we created over 20 tracks and finally 10 of them were recorded in the studio. The album was recorded only because of Utis’s determination, he organized everything and informed us about the schedule of recording and our obligations:P Later it was more and more work and step by step we enter the studio  Recordings in MP Studio were kind of a revelation and revolution in the band both in terms of way and speed of work and the fresh view of producer (Mariusz Pietka) who had a great influence on the whole album in terms of sound and final versions of the compositions included in it.

3. Are there any special tracks on Revival, really important for you or you treat all of them in the same way?

I think each of us has his own favourite tracks which appeal to him from different reasons but generally we treat all our compositions in the same way – these are our "children" ;)

4. If you have to describe Revival in 5 words these would be...

a piece of literally fantastic symphonic Victorianism!

Vi: Our dreams and metal souls manifesto

5. What are your lyrics about and what makes you choose such subjects? Are there any subjects which you will never include in your lyrics?

Eydis: I think our songwriter Utis would tell about the lyrics best..

Utis: Lyrics, just as our tracks, were created for a long time and were inspired by different experiences and feelings. Sometimes, like in the case of Servants of Beauty, it was a single phrase (title) from which whole lyrics emerged, and sometimes (Juliet’s Tale) first there was an epic tale which we closed in a few verses. Of course our lyrics always have something which reflect band’s atmosphere and state of mind, being at a certain point in our development and being aware of we want to do. This album is full of life’s power and desire of beauty, it revolves around subjects of immortality and people’s strength of will. Often a woman is a dominating character, she’s an essence of life but also there’s an element of "dark power" in her. Personally I avoid subjects connected with politics (that’s why I also get rid of TV)

6. Quite often you are compared with Finnish Nightwish. Can we talk about any influences? Tell us about your musical inspirations. Whom do you admire?

Eydis: Of course comparing our music to Nightwish’s one is a great compliment for us because Nightwish are veterans and precursors of symphonic metal with female operatic voice. We are at the beginning of our career so comparison with such a great star makes us really pleased  but our private music tastes don’t revolve around Nightwish only, we listen to such a diverse music like Therion, Dimmu Borgir along with Florence and The Machine or Irish folk for example... our music on the album is a synergy of all of us, each of us had to climb down and each of us had a decisive opinion in a certain part of the tracks. We are inspired by the music from the whole world and by the things which are at a given moment in us and which are moving for our souls.

7. What has been so far the biggest problem you have to face as a band and how did you manage to deal with it?

Utis: It seems for me that each of us can point to such a problem and surely they would be different  for me the biggest problem was (and is) the fact that we can’t meet every day just to at least talk to each other. E-mail contact doesn’t satisfy the need for meeting with a real person. What’s more there’s a lack of comfortable place for practicing but this is probably a problem for many bands.

Vi: For me such a problem was to find a proper drummer and to stabilize the list of band’s members. We have got several drummers but only after a call from MrNice everything has changed.

8. What gives you the greatest satisfaction in being a musician?

Eydis: I don’t know if the rest of the band will agree with me but for me the greatest satisfaction in being a musician comes in two moments – when I compose something and this is really good and when I enter the stage and I see that our music carries people away, when I see joy on their faces and their energy comes to me. This is it. Full satisfaction from sharing with people what I have in myself and giving them beautiful moments.

Vi: I totally agree with Eydis and I just want to add that for me the essence of being a musician is a process of composing. For me it is a touch of divinity by creating something from nothing ;)

9. Who is a potential listener of your music? For whom are you playing?

Eydis: We want our music to reach all people, despite age, those who need inspiration who want to change something in their lives who want to make their dreams come true
Of course it’s also for those who just want to relax (ok, relax by a dose of power) and enter for a while a Victorian world full of magic, mysticism and this part of belle époque which is missing today...

Vi: I admit that "Revival" was created mainly for playing concerts so all tracks are pretty intense  on our next album we want to reveal the other part of ourselves, more romantic and fanciful one.

10.Which medium is in your opinion the best to promote music and to reach fans?

Utis: I think that still it is a traditional radio, which everybody can listen to in car, in shop, at work..

Vi: videos on YouTube and playing concerts:)

11. How do you prepare for concerts? What do you do before entering the stage?

Eydis: Apart from feverish looking for parts of clothing? (laugh)
Each concert is important for us, each of them we treat with respect so we prepare for them in the same way. Practising, practising and practising  Plus preparing clothes, equipment etc. I don’t know if I can reveal what happens backstage just before a concert... (laugh)

Vi: I’m in two minds whether to drink a little bit more Zoladkowa Vodka with honey or not having in mind keeping balance in my slippery shoes ;)

Utis: I pray so that nobody turn on "romantic" light during my solo part (which is so weak that you can’t see the frets  that is really distracting...

12. Do you improvise on stage eg. changing lyrics?

Vi: We improvise mainly in terms of behaviour, but a big stage is necessary for that, that’s why playing during festivals appeals to me.

Yes, when the lights turn off  but to be serious, I very often add something special to guitar parts – I don’t like when artists recreate perfectly the same sounds of their tracks during concerts. A concert should be a certain (uncontrolled) expression of musicians and audience!!! MrNice also improvises especially when his trouser legs become entangled in pedals 

13. How was your first concert as Victorians? What did you feel?

hmm... my legs were shaking... but it was such a fantastic evening that I really like to think about it. As a band we were afraid of confrontation with the audience in terms of our clothes. Obviously in Poland there is no such fashion freedom like in Japan for example that’s why there was a risk that people would judge us badly just because of the clothes.. but it was a great surprise to see that not only our music appealed to the audience but the visual part too. We got a lot of compliments and positive comments – it was really amazing

Vi: Uncertainty if the prepared material and clothes would appeal to the audience

14. Is there anything else that you would like to tell our readers?

Vi: Believe in your dreams and find the strength to work hard. People have unbelievable power to change the reality. Make this reality YOURS!

Thank you.

Translator: morrigan
Add date: 2013-03-27 / Interviews

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