Jordan Reyne Polish tour

Jordan Reyne is an artist from New Zealand, currently living in Great Britain. She was called the author of new sounds by New Zealand Radio. Her music is a mixture of unusual acoustic loops, celtic singing and concomitant tales. She creates dark folk and is fascinated by industrial revolution form the beginnings of the 20th century. Her music is a combination of fairy tale folk for Grimm Brothers tales and the sounds of steam, sea and iron.
According to The Mix (UK) music of this kind is hard to categorise - it brings to mind PJ Harvey, but the style is totally created by Jordan. BBC Channel 4 (UK) considers her latest album as the most important sound of the year.
She was nominated to New Zealand Music Award three times. She has already released 6 studio albums.
Her voice was used in the "Lord of the Rings" soundtrack and she's also present on the cult compilation Cafe Del Mar.
She performed as a guest with The Strawpeople, Zane Lowe Breaks Co-op and The Eden House in which she's the permament member of concert lineup. She has already thrown concerts in Great Britain, Poland, Germany and New Zealand including Glastonbury (UK), Wave Gothic Treffen (Germany), The New Zealand International Festival of the Arts (New Zealand), The Big Day Out (New Zealand/Australia), Frankfurt Music Messe (Germany), Soundedit (Poland).
She has supported the bands such as:Feilds of the Nephilim, White Zombie, Rome, Hansel and Gretel or The Eden House
Jordan will give 5 concerts in Poland:
19 February (Wednesday) - ŁÓDŹ Łódź Kaliska Club
20 February (Thursday) - WROCŁAW Łykend
21 February (Friday) - WARSZAWA Znośna Lekkość Bytu + Hatestory
22 February (Saturday) - GDYNIA Ucho + Kim Nowak
23 February (Sunday) - TORUŃ Hard Rock Pub Pamela