AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Kratong - The Bees of Psychic Province

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Kratong... The Bees o Psychic Province... Ambient... This kind of music is very specific, so I should look into the past... But, to the point. This album is very boring. I remember my first time with ambient music composed by Akira Yamaoka. With his music I was travelling between two worlds. World of music and world of magic. When I'm listening to this album - I have feeling that band didn't have an idea for tracks placed on it. The first song called "about dissonance and some sidereal dreams" Is boring... Some of you can say - "but this is very ambicious". Maybe, but in my opinion this whole album brings us to the world of sleepy sounds and dramatic leader's voice, when he is trying to sing something, anything. In the most time of tracks, he is trying to tell us a story for example about a girl. This girl is thinking about "Is this song for me?" or about"Autumn Rain"... Sorry, but when i was listening "Cradle of Forest" or "Theme of Laura" composed by master (in the positive meaning) of ambient - Mr. Yamaoka, I had a feeling that I'm taking a part in story... But when I'm listening to "The Bees of Psychic Province" I have a feeling that I chose a wrong album to review. Listening to Kratong, is like a nightmare, especially, when you don't want to fall asleep. In all songs Kratong is tells us a boring story about everything, and nothing... On all tracks! If you like boring, sleepy and easy to understand music - this album is just for you... P.S. On this album there is only one good track called "Hypnotic Attraction" and... it is a bonus track... No Comment...  

1. About dissonance and some sidereal dreams
2. Red River/Virginia
3. Fair Margareth and Sweet William
4. A Dream of the faded summer
5. TD Experience
6. Ode2Dee
7. An Outward spiral
8. Province
9. The Hypnotic Attraction (bonus)
Translator: SVN
Add date: 2008-03-06 / Music reviews

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