Laibach in Wroclaw
Last topics on forum:
- Castle Party 2023 - 2023-07-23 (Festivals)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2014 - 2014-09-16 (Festivals)
- Laibach - 2014-04-17 (Concerts)
- Laibach - 2014-04-13 (Concerts)
- Laibach - 2012-09-25 (Concerts)
- Laibach - 2012-04-05 (Concerts)
- Laibach - 2011-03-15 (Concerts)
- The Christmas Ball Festival 2010 - 2010-12-31 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2010 - 2010-08-09 (Festivals)
- Laibach + Juno Reactor - 2009-12-25 (Concerts)
Last topics on forum:
- Laibach - Warszawa 26.03.15 //// Hocico+H.exe+Vigilante Wrocław 25.04.15 - 2015-02-06
- Konkurs: Laibach - Poznań - 2014-04-22
- LAIBACH / JUNO REACTOR - Warszawa/Wrocław, 10/11.12.2009 - 2009-12-28
- Laibach - Kraków 20 grudzień 2007 - 2007-09-26
- [9-10.12.2006] BEFORE AND AFTER LAIBACH SHOW PARTY - 2006-12-01
- Laibach in Katowice! - 2016-04-08 (Events)
- Laibach – Spectre Digital Deluxe - 2015-03-28 (News)
- Terra Relicta Dark Music Awards 2014 - The Final Round! - 2015-02-27 (Events)
- V. E-Tropolis Festival 2015 - 2014-11-14 (Events)
- Laibach in Poland! - 2014-03-04 (Events)
- Bob Dylan’s track covered by Laibach! - 2013-01-29 (News)
- Laibach - An Introduction to Laibach / Reproduction Prohibited - 2012-09-02 (News)
- Laibach - We Come in Peace - 2012-02-21 (Events)
- Laibach in Gdansk! - 2011-02-04 (Events)
- The Christmas Ball Festivals 2010 - 2010-12-14 (Events)

On 2nd December 2005 in Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych in Wrocław a concert of legendary group Laibach will take place. This is the only concert the artists will give in our country and as such it gives remarkable opportunity to participate in the artists' performance live. The concert, organized by Stowarzyszenie Festiwal Wyszehradzki [Wysehrad Festival Association], will start at 7 p.m. The tickets are available in the price 55 zloties [pre-selling] and 65 zloties [just before the concert]. Any further information you may need is available on the festival organizer's website