AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
[ówt krì] - The New Seed

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"The New Seed" is the album that can be classified to such genresasexperimental,ambient,droneandindustrial. It is created byFinnish amateur artist-poet [ówt krì]. That avantgardecomposercreated an entirelydifferent dimension. His music by itssoundsbrings us toa new world.Quietmelodyintertwined withdisturbingnoise.All that creates anatmosphere, evokingnostalgia, and even astate of near lethargy. Slowflowingsoundsengulfus like afog, thus, allowing to have a break fromrush, chaoticeveryday life, to stop for a moment and thinkabout thingsmoremetaphysical. Everyone, justfor a little while, should surrender to be guidedby such music.


01. Deep South
02. The New Seed
03. On Hostile Ground
04. Abandoned Path
05. Dance In Silence
06. We Sleep Forever
07. Confrontations
08. Ocean Hymn
09. Darker Sensation
10. The Sirens Call

Work cooperation:
"Darker Sensation" - Kenneth K/[ówt krì] and Miska Kusnezov
"The Sirens Call" - Kenneth K/[ówt krì] and Quantum Prana
"On Hostile Ground" and "We Sleep Forever" - vocal: Ned Jackson (Black Saturn)
"Abandoned Path" and "We Sleep Forever" – vocal and additional vocal: Toni Viitanen
Translator: hellium
Add date: 2013-09-26 / Music reviews

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