- 2nd Wrotycz Festival - 2015-04-12 (Festivals)
- [haven] - 2012-05-20 (Concerts)
- Krzyk Maszyn - 2011-05-23 (Festivals)
- [haven] - 2011-04-08 (Concerts)
- [haven] - 2010-12-19 (Concerts)
- Castle Party 2007 - 2007-07-27 (Festivals)
- MASCHINENgeSCHREI 3 - 2007-05-20 (Festivals)
- Protagosterium Tour - 2007-01-11 (Concerts)
- Temple of Silence 2 - 2006-09-10 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- 28/09 SOUND CLINIQUM #30 live: [HAVEN] // SZCZECIN - 2013-09-20
- Protagosterium Tour - 2006-12-17
- [haven] - Dreams - 2013-12-11 (News)
- [haven] - Noir - 2013-06-17 (News)
- [haven] back with new album - 2013-06-14 (News)
- We know 1st single from new [haven]'s album! - 2013-04-13 (News)
- Moravian Industrial Festival IV - 2012-09-22 (Events)
- [haven] – Amity - 2010-12-10 (News)
- [Haven] - Plastic - 2009-08-14 (News)
- [haven] in Tympanik Audio - 2009-04-23 (News)
- Apostazja Festival II Poznan Robrat 03/04/2009 - 2009-03-24 (Events)
- V/A - Abnormal Beauty - 2009-03-04 (News)

The January tour of Bisclarvet and [haven], two Polish ambient projects, is going to focus on promoting their latest releases. The 9 concerts are something special for fans of atmospheric music combined from ambient electronica, symphonic scale, Antonin Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty, modernist prose by Bruno Schulz and the cinematographic expressionism of Robert Wiene and Fritz Lang. Both projects take care not only of their music, adding visual experience to the package. During the concerts you are going to see a theatrical performance and off-cinema visuals, plus some extra visual material. Protagosterium Tour will be a true feast for an art-hungry audience.
More details at:
06.01.2007 (sobota) - Warszawa, klub NO MERCY
07.01.2007 (niedziela) - Łódź, klub DEMODE
08.01.2007 (poniedziałek) – Sosnowiec, TBA (+DEAD FACTORY)
09.01.2007 (wtorek) - Zielona Góra, klub STRASZNY DWÓR
10.01.2007 (środa) - Poznań, klub U BAZYLA
11.01.2007 (czwartek) - Wrocław, klub LIVERPOOL (+ SYNTA[XE]RROR)
12.01.2007 (piątek) – Ostrów Wlkp, klub studencki Cafe PIANO (+ projekt Mariusza Czelnego)
14.01.2007 (niedziela) - Gdańsk, klub NEGATYW
16.01.2007 (poniedziałek) - Toruń,klub NRD