Second edition of DNA | Drone Noise Ambient starts on friday 12.12
- Drone Noise Ambient - 2014-12-18 (Festivals)
- Supported event: Księżyc in New Synagogue, Gdańsk - 2014-12-15 (Events)

Kolonia Artystów (the Artist's Colony) in Gdańsk will host the DNA event, which is supported by us. It's definitely an important show for the fans of more extreme sounds, especially that the entrance fee is indecently cheap - only 5zł (each show).
DNA | Drone Noise Ambient 02 is a second edition of musical meetings with the artists representing new directions in contemporary music, on the boundaries of Drone, Noise and Ambient genres. The first letters of the words form the abbreviation DNA. The DNA code is a medium of genetic information in living organisms, while in our project DNA plays the role of medium of musical information.Check more details in our calendar!
Author: voigtkampff
Translator: voigtkampff
Source: / 2014-12-08 / Events
Translator: voigtkampff
Source: / 2014-12-08 / Events