AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
The Black Heart Procession + Kev Fox

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An incredible band named The Black Heart Procession visited Poznań once again on 29th May, this time accompanied by a support.
Hence, a short while after 8PM struck, inconspicous Kev Fox, a musician from England, appeared on stage, having already won recognition amongs Polish fan owing to his previous performances in our country. During the first pieces of his concert, he was playing an acoustic guitar, yet given his vocal skills, any instrument imaginable seems unnecessary. In such a manner was the artist singing that the upper register of his voice was literally reverbating in each and every corner of the concert hall, cumulating its power somewhere above the audience. This exceptional talent was gradually enveloping the listeners, only to blow up all of a sudden.
Kev Fox is well knon among Polish lovers of the atmospheric music. His concerts are always highly-anticipated, and each of the songs is paerformed with a captivating voice, in which a full devotion might be easily noticed. Subsequent tracks of the show were received with ever-growing enthusiasm by the gathered, and the applause, which accomapnied the very last pieces, resembled a canonade. This multi-instrumentalist presented "A Picture", "A Dark River" and "L.O.O.T.", among others, being well-supported by Andrzej Smolik - our Polish, gray emminence of the niche electronic scene. A simple instrumentarium consisting of guitars - both acoustic and electric, being used alternately - as well as an acordeon and piano made up for a proper musical setting. To such an extent were the gathered enchanted by the performance that at some points during the concert, only the shutters of cameras taking photographs were audible.In all probability, more than one of the Polish female vocalists wishes she could pride on having such a wonderful voice.

After such a splendid performance, everybody was impateintly awating the headliners - The Black Heart Procession. The band managed to fully satisfy the musical needs of the audience, giving almost an hour-and-a-half set. Along with their appearance in stage came a sensible change in atmosphere - to tell the truth, it was morose and nostalgic, still, it was somewhat amazing how different it was to listen to the pieces played by this duo.
The group treated us to an extraordinary atmosphere, mainly known from the 'unplugged releases', which even reinforced the power of the message the were conveying. Intriguing stories about love, told by means of simple sounds and heartstrings-pulling lyrics, totally enthralled the audience. The band presented a range of scoustic versions of their trakcs off the first records, owing to uncomplicated sound coming from the piaon, guitars and a saw. The latest of the instruments, much as it may have appeared allegedly a bit dangerous, while exploited by a skilled musician might turn into a thing capable of exuding either subtle, or rather frightening, blood-curdling tones. This concert had somehow an oniric aura. The whole was absolutely sublime, and ear-pleasing vocals was skillfully emphasizing the uniqueness of the stories. The audience was introduced to various forms of unspeakable longing and suffering that were presented in a truly pleasurable fashion.
A steady rhythm of the ghostly waltzes created an alluring, triste and simultanouesly vanquishing atmosphere, whilst an emotional load that intermingled the whole, was engulfing as though it was a sensual dream. Having minimized the use of musical means, the group managed to achieve something deeply touching.
During their performance, the musicians were expressing their opinions in favor of Poznań, ending their show with an invitation to a joint celebration at a place that was a particular tribute to their overall work - "Amore del Tropico".


1. Stitched To My Heart
2. Blue Tears
3. A Cry For Love
4. Only One Way
5. The Letter
6. Till We Have To Say Goodbye
7. Outside The Glass
8. All My Steps
9. Even Thieves Couldn’t Lie
10. The One Who Has Disappeared
11. The Waiter No. 3
12. The Old Kind Of Summer
13. Your Church Is Red
14. Guess I’ll Forget You
15. The Waiter No. 1
16. When We Reach The Hill

Translator: murd
Add date: 2011-08-06 / Live reports

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