The end of And One!
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Newly we announced about brand new album S.T.O.P., but surprisingly And One frontman, Steve Naghavi, informed on Facebook and on the official And One web, about the end of the group. The week ago And One announced about signed to SPV from Out of Line label, what already allowed to think, that group will do the break for some time.
Naghavi said, that main catalyst for this decision were ongoing conflicts with ex-label and processes. However he would like for And One to quitted its activity with good style. He promises to give more information in the future. He has also started writing the book, in which he has planned to describe causes of breaking up the band.
The team from the beginning fell down into conflicts with labels and not only, even attacks happened on the blog of the team affecting other musicians.
You can find more information on the official web and on Steve’s FB profile.
The team will go on farewell tour in Autumn 2013.
Let’s watch the last video of And One, Aigua.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: And One official/facebook / 2012-09-27 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: And One official/facebook / 2012-09-27 / News