Tournee APB +FAQ
Last topics on forum:
- M'era Luna 2018 - 2018-08-15 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2018 - 2018-07-20 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2014 - 2014-09-16 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2014 - 2014-08-01 (Festivals)
- E-tropolis 2014 - 2014-02-27 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2013 - 2013-08-14 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2012 - 2012-07-31 (Festivals)
- Apoptygma Berzerk + Hot Rain - 2010-11-22 (Concerts)
- M'era Luna 2008 - 2008-08-09 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2006 - 2006-08-12 (Festivals)
- Blue Moon Festival #2 - 2006-07-03 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- FAQ: Wszystko o naszym radiu - 2012-12-13
- Apoptygma Berzerk (21-23.11.2010) Poznań, Warszawa, Kraków - 2010-08-11
- Apoptygma Berzerk - ROCKET SCIENCE LIVE TOUR 2009 (15-2-2008) @ ColumbiaClub, Berlin - 2008-12-28
- FAQ: Zmiana nicków / Nick Change - 2007-04-25
- FAQ: Brak emaila aktywującego konto / Lost activation email - 2007-04-25
- Apoptygma Berzerk w Polsce! - 2006-07-03
- Apoptygma Berzerk - SDGXXV - 2019-03-01 (News)
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Exit Popularity Contest - 2016-10-05 (News)
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Major Tom EP - 2013-08-26 (News)
- More bands in M'era Luna line-up! - 2013-03-01 (Events)
- An acoustic evening with Diary of Dreams, The Beauty of Gemina and Faq - 2012-08-07 (Events)
- New info form Amphi Festival - 2012-03-07 (Events)
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Black EP volume 2 - 2011-07-03 (News)
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Soli Deo Gloria - 2011-06-09 (News)
- The last chance to get signed "Imagine There's No Lennon" DVD! - 2010-09-30 (News)
- Apoptygma Berzerk - 7 Picture Vinyl - 2010-07-25 (News)

The good old friendship still exist and FAQ will support Apoptygma Berzerk for the 3rd time During incoming tournee in Germany that will promote latest LP form APB. In March APB will also release next single from “You and me against the world”. FAQ will put their APB remix as a B-side on this CD.
Tourne will be as follows:02.03.2006 d-braunschweig | jolly joker
03.03.2006 d-rostock | mau club
04.03.2006 d-potsdam | lindenpark
05.03.2006 d-leipzig | werk 2
07.03.2006 d-aschaffenburg | colossaal
08.03.2006 ch-zürich | rohstofflager
09.03.2006 a-wien | planet music
10.03.2006 a-graz | orpheum
11.03.2006 i-roma | zoobar
13.03.2006 d-bonn | brückenforum
14.03.2006 d-nürnberg | hirsch
15.03.2006 d-saarbrücken | garage
16.03.2006 d-krefeld | kufa
17.03.2006 d-magdeburg | factory
18.03.2006 d-ingolstadt | ohrakel
19.03.2006 d-osnabrück | rosenhof
20.05.2006 b-gent | arena van vletingen