Tying Tiffany - Drop
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- Tying Tiffany + H.Exe + Depressive Disorder - 2013-03-12 (Concerts)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2012 - 2012-09-14 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2011 - 2011-08-19 (Festivals)
- Desdemona on Alfa Matrix’s compilation "Absolute Grrrls Manifesto"! - 2013-03-25 (News)

It is always the same with those muses. Much too often, they cast their spells briefly, fit a certain event, moment, a zeitgeist forgotten much too quickly. Those who want to pass the test of time need to have more than just good lucks or a fair share of luck. They need to establish trends instead of copying them, need to lead where others follow. And that's exactly what TYING TIFFANY is doing since 2005.
She floats through her very own seducing cosmos, enchants with a style that is as authentic as it is flawless, provides fresh impulse with her unmistakable sound. With "Drop", she dives even deeper down into her universe of technoid Electro, Wave, Ambient and Indie. Life is not happening in sterile night clubs and posh bars. It happens under the streets, in the shadows - places where the swells never dare to go. Here, right at the pulse of the underground, life is different, the rules are different. An altogether different regiment sets the tone. And TYING TIFFANY is its queen. Released on Trisol and available 18th 2014.
01 One Place
02 Spin Around
03 A Lone Boy
04 One Second
05 Neon Paradise
06 One Girl
07 Deep Blue River
08 No Way Out
09 One End
10 Dissolve