Conrad Schnitzler / Pyrolator - Con–Struct

Kurt Dahlke, aka Pyrolator, member of various seminal post-punk bands such as D.A.F. and Der Plan, was chosen to assume Conrad Schnitzler’s mantle for the next.
"I must admit, I could not resist the temptation to add one or two of my own ideas. The original tracks were so inspiring, I just had to. My prime objective was to present a side of Conrad which I had always heard in his music but one which often goes unnoticed: a darker, technoid side. In my opinion, Conrad has always been one of the great pioneers of classic Berlin techno music. I look forward to many more chapters in the Con-Struct collection. Conrad’s oeuvre is so extensive and so diverse that many more fascinating aspects await discovery." – Pyrolator.Available from 17 July 2015 by Bureau B.
1. 389-8
2. 288-1
3. 289-5
4. 287-14
5. 296-16
6. 316-1
7. 316-2
8. 287-13
9. 296-2
10. 289-2
11. 316-16
12. 289-9
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