DigitalSimplyWorld - Singles for free download!

"Singles" album would take you on journey across a music filled by emotions, it would touch your soul and surprise with a reference to the classic music taken stright from the Klaus Schulze's land.
You may find a whisper of a dark matter from a sci-fi brand.
The music you can find on this CD is not a simple one. It needs a lot of attention and concentration so then you may feel all emotions it contains. The silence has a very important role in this album, to maintain the main idea of the sound.
It is worth to use a good quolity audio device so then sounds would take you on the walk as a passerby on the main street in Warsaw.
The cover of the CD shows a chessboard where squares run out. This music introduce a life and life problems are just as those squares added to already existing board. How life would be easier if it is based on a Queen of all games' rules. Permanent rules.
You can download this album for free under this link.
1.J Love...
2.Unknown Land
3.Play it
4.HushShhh, HushShhh
5.Through Synthetic Mandarin the Senses
6.Journey To The Unknown
7.A Train To Wuhan
8.Hypnotyzajzer World II
9.Utnapishtim The Great Reward
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2013-01-26 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2013-01-26 / News
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