DORNENREICH – In Luft Geritzt

Filled with profound magic DORNENREICH continue their music journey commenced by their „Nicht um zu Sterben” (1997) and carried by already-classic „Her von Welken Nachten” (2001) and „Durch Dem Traum” (2006). The characteristic of their artistic development is longing for freedom, fantasy and enlightenment. „In Luft Geritzt” reveals quite a different facet of the Austrian duo : all the pieces are acoustically arranged ans still they strongly oppose something which is usually called as the 'unplugged' album.
To do justice to „In Luft Geritzt fuly the material was recored live, without any technical additions.
1. Drang
2. Unruhe
3. Jagd
4. Freitanz
5. Sehnlauf
6. Dlugel in Fels
7. Meer
8. Aufbruch
9. Dem Wind geboren
10. Zauberzeichen
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