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 Discussion about the contemporary music scene - part 2

Discussion about the contemporary music scene - part 2

2023-06-07 / khocico / Reads: 3137

My intention is to ask people who I consider, in a certain sense, to be musical experts in our beautiful country for their opinions on the state of our alternative scene, new musical trends, and inspiring artists/events, to create a kind of landscape for AD 2023. In this episode, the...

"I can't make everyone happy" - interview with Krzysztof Rakowski

2010-04-15 / robertm / Reads: 12139

Krzysiek Rakowski, director of the Castle Party Festival in Bolkow, interviewed by Robert Mertuszka I CAN’T MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY Robert Mertuszka: You have already presented all the artists, which are about to perform at this year’s festival. What kind of opinions about this choice...

"Now I'm black moon" - interview with Kentin Jivek

2011-04-07 / PLIKT / Reads: 4789

We invite you to read the interview with Kentin Jivek, french singer-songwriter from Bordeaux. We were asking about his life inspirations, musical plans and the way he perceive the world. And we got some very interesting answers… It is hard to believe but we have spring already! Do changes...

"The mourn seasons" - an interview with Pawel Ptaszynski

2009-01-01 / Camille / Reads: 7001

”The mourn seasons" - an interview with Pawel Ptaszynski Romain Rolland, a French humanist once said: "…music, whatever people say, is not a universal language: the bow of words is necessary to send the arrow of sound into the hearts of all men". Even though most of us,...

"Cure for the soul" - interview with Hidden Palace

"Cure for the soul" - interview with Hidden Palace

2012-06-05 / Santa Sangre / Reads: 3603

Originally the interview was published on Santa Sangre Magazine We invite you to read the interview with Italian electronic/new wave project HIDDEN PLACE. Enjoy! Hi! How is the weather now in Italy? Could you stand the heat? Ciao! The weather in Italy is very nice! Starting...

10 years of Wrotycz Records

10 years of Wrotycz Records

2015-03-02 / pornocreep / Reads: 5220

This year Wrotycz Records celebrated a decade of work. Many alternative music listeners will see the label’s creative achievements as amazing. Dozens of producers and bands passed through it, they are the source of many musical discoveries. Wrotycz 10th Anniversary Festival is an event to highlight and summarize the achievements...

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