Kandahar - Bo Jeden To Szereg

So it happened! From 18 February with cold piercing light shines debut album from Kandahar, originating in Kraków cold wave group, titled "Bo Jeden To Szereg". Kandahar is new quality and freshness on local post-punk scene, their music recalls best years of Polish cold wave – times when musicians were made to use poetry, times when music required thinking and cut with surgical precision deep into minds of listeners.
If we were to play in comparisons, Kandahar could be named a bastard of Variete’s marriage that known already from "Bydgoszcz 1986" and the first punk incarnation of Siekiera. Album "Bo Jeden To Szereg" contains compositions from first two band’s EP’s collected in one – advantages of Kandahar’s music are lyrics that are eloquent, highly suggestive and striking with their veracity of raw garage sound lined up with a large dose of nervousness, and thoughtful hypnotic compositions among which there are desperate swirls. Album has also English translations of lyrics and it is issued by Bat-Cave Prod. Label. It is a limited edition.
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