Maestro Nosferatu - Save me

In December 2012 the Russian band "Maestro Nosferatu" will present its new single "Save Me".
This year the band returned to the ranks after a prolonged silence and already managed to play a series of spectacular gigs with such bands as Blutengel and PAKT.
This year the band returned to the ranks after a prolonged silence and already managed to play a series of spectacular gigs with such bands as Blutengel and PAKT.
A new track under the title of "Save Me" will be included in the band’s new CD, which will be their third official release. While working on the record, the band decided to move away from their conventional sound in order to "start it all from scratch". Having revised their previous experience, "Maestro Nosferatu" are now determined to make "Save Me" a starting point of their new discography.
The band’s music will be introduced to the listener in a new unconventional sound. "We’ve always tried to reach that sound in our music but only now we really had an opportunity to realize our goal and embody our ideas", said the band members.
The title track of "Save Me" touches upon the topic of the child’s ingratitude and brutality towards his own mother. Smooth and bewitching - but at the same time vigorous and pushing - this track will become the first example of the band’s new works. Besides that the CD will include a bit more conventional-sounding "industrial-march" track "Baby". The release will be also supplemented with a number of cover-versions of the title track.
Track List:
01 Save Me
02 Baby
03 Save Me [Remix by Violet September]
04 Save Me [Remix by Pheromone]
05 Save Me [Remix by Elektricon]
"Save Me- Elektro Pop Remix" is available for free downlaod here:
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-28 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-28 / News
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