Nacht Und Nebel - Suburban Utopia

Nacht und Nebel is very experienced crew from Wroclaw, cultivating tradition of Polish Cold -Wave music. If you are interested in a post-punk, and a cold style makes you think about Joy Division or from Polish backyard - Siekiera, Made in Poland, or DHM, you really should pay your attention to the latest album Nacht Und Nebel entitled "Suburban Utopia".
The Nacht Und Nebel second album was created in suffering & pain, as indicated by recordings contained on the CD, came from the years 2006-2009, but in the end, it worked. Album was originally released in a limited number of copies in 2011 - this edition very quickly sold out, and now because of the Bat-Cave Productions CD was reedition in the right, widely available form.
"Suburban Utopia" contains raw, hard percussion rhythms, exposed bass line of punk extraction, complex, sharp like a razor blade structures of the guitar with garage coloration & chanting, using a poetical lyrics that talk about the meaningless of existence and loneliness in the big city. Atmosphere on the CD is quite depressing and heavy, giving much food for thought. "Suburban Utopia" is a treat for any lover of Cold-Wave sounds! Album can be purchased now via website of Bat-Cave Productions.

01. Krótka Chwila
02. Koniec Miasta
03. Szeleścisz
04. Przypomnij Mi
05. Subtopia
06. Disco
07. Constans
08. Odpowiedź Z Otchłani
09. Sundial 2
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