Psykkle -Mother Monoxide

On June 15th Psykkle will release their third studio album entilted "Mother Monoxide". Evolving from the rich sound palate crafted from the work on their 2011 opus "Rock Bottom Paradise" Psykkle has returned with a vengeance with the concept album "Mother Monoxide".While not staying content with the herd, Psykkle grabs the audience with their genre binding beats and eclectic mixture of harsh and vocoded vocals. At its core, "Mother Monoxide" is pure cyberpunk. Taking influence from trip hop, dubstep, dark electro and IDM, featuring Gerry of Cryogenic Echelon, as the albums primary lyricist.
2013 proves to be the year of Psykkle, becoming more well known for intense live shows, powerful remixes and last but certainly not least, the rich and diverse force that is "Mother Monoxide" The Psykkle is you.Psykkle will be playing the upcoming Terminus Festival in Calgary, Canada which runs from June 28-30th
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