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Wintry - Atmosphere around us.


Wintry - Atmosphere around us.

2009-10-05 / Medea / Reads: 3747

Wintry was founded by Anne Goldacker, the feminine half of the no longer existing german guo – Obsc(y)re. She invited to help her out a brasilian DJ, Alex Twin. The two soon came out with their debut album, ‘Atmosphere around us’. To be honest, I’m really dissappointed with...

William Control - The Neuromancer


William Control - The Neuromancer

2014-12-28 / DamienG / Reads: 2572

After the several months of delays and teasing, the new record from William Control is ready to be unleashed upon the audience. The meteoric rise to stardom of the Aiden vocalist and the Gothic seducer might continue to perplex the hardened alternative audience but Will Francis' highly emotional and romantic...

Wildebeest - Wildebeest EP


Wildebeest - Wildebeest EP

2013-06-10 / fiuri / Reads: 2463

Visiting one of the more popular sites on the web with...well, doesn’t matter with what, my attention was altered from my original intentions toward a still of a video posted on the main site. The still pictured a woman with her face painted as if for a war or a...

White Noise TV - Deep Waters


White Noise TV - Deep Waters

2024-01-26 / khocico / Reads: 1036

Today marks the premiere of WHITE NOISE TVs latest single, 'Deep Waters.' The original song stands out as a compelling piece of synth/electro-pop, featuring smooth, deep vocals and exquisite music. The gentlemen adeptly merge classic synthesizers with contemporary production techniques, delivering excellent beats and electronic elements that form a unique...

White Lies - Big TV


White Lies - Big TV

2014-01-27 / SylviaNoir / Reads: 11669

White Lies are recently for me a new indicator of quality of modern music, its interpretation, melodic, consistency, structure etc. The latest album of British musicians appeared quite recently, so the time to write a few words about this work is perfect. However, as it is often with the case...

Whitar - Equilibrium Paths


Whitar - Equilibrium Paths

2012-11-30 / fiuri / Reads: 2001

It seemed strange to me that for quite some time I was not able to get through the chaos present on the ‘Equilibrium Path’, even though I usually enjoy such tunes, especially when done thoughtfully and with at least a minor rhythm feel to it. All this and even more...

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