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Velvet Condom - Stadtgeil


Velvet Condom - Stadtgeil

2014-05-31 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 4002

Although I’ve never experienced this feeling (I’ve been close), I can understand irritation accompanying quite a pitiful situation in which you have a used condom stuck to the sole of your shoe. After an exhausting night this condom has finally had a rest on a pavement near a crowded street...

Vaselyne - Necromancer


Vaselyne - Necromancer

2024-02-12 / khocico / Reads: 1283

While 'Necromancer' has been available for listening for some time, the video has only just been released. Vaselyne is a project that ambitiously blends poetic lyrics and melodies with harmonious, emotional tunes. A mesmerizing, profound, and deeply resonant original track features the amazing vocals of Frank Weyzig, who typically handles...

Vanity - Occult You


Vanity - Occult You

2013-09-19 / RobertSaligia / Reads: 4791

Issued by the Church Independent Occult You album from Italian group VANITY combines the best European traditions of gothic rock, post-punk, darkwave, and even elements of metal and other alternative music styles. Unlike other projects, that decide to create similar hybrids, it is not a formless mix of nondescript taste,...

Vanguard - Santuary


Vanguard - Santuary

2013-05-01 / Jenna_Malique / Reads: 3118

The most recent proposal from Vanguard formation is "Sanctuary" and they are eager to serve us a new perspective on synthpop term. Did they achieve it? Let's look closely. Just in the first song hit us strong, synth sound quite nicely cantilevered to the ear, but with a little...

Vanguard - Retribution


Vanguard - Retribution

2018-04-28 / carpenterk / Reads: 4344

Synthpop is a genre represented  in large number in Sweden, inter alia by Hjärta, Melody Club, Page, SPOCK and many others.  VANGURAD in another band from this country, that fits very well to the '80 atmosphere of electronics.  The last day of February 2014 brought us a new album from...

Vanguard - Let Us Fall


Vanguard - Let Us Fall

2014-06-09 / fiuri / Reads: 4154

Woe is me. Vanguard is a synthpop/light electornics band, which I try my best to avoid. This time, however, I let myself be fooled, like a complete tool, by the release note which promised me a ‘powerful, dynamic and melodic kick off’ with charismatic vocals, but, as you can guess,...

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