Sisygambis - Translucid

Recently is available through Requiem Records Reissue of the first album of Sisygambis, titled "Translucid". Sisygambis created in 1989 in France with which among others Ian Harris cooperated – sound engineer from Manchester, co–originator of the sound of Joy Division and New Order.
Compositions about extremely atmospheric, balancing on the border of gothic and industrial style building. This album will be to taste of This Mortal Coil or and Attrition fans."Miroir", one track from "Translucid", is available via this link.
This is the band Sisygambis’ first album. Created in 1989 by Christine Coulange and Nchan Manoyan, it will develop into works of music and film until Nchan’s death in 2009. This CD is the new edition of the initial audio tape on the labels A–Lek and Esprit in 1993.
Nicolas Dick, guitar player, joined them in 1991 for a three years long adventure. He is the founder/singer of the band Kill the Thrill.
Ian Harris, sound engineer from Manchester, signed Joy Division and New Order’s sound. He fell in love with Eastern Europe while on tour with Sisygambis and soon started working with Polish bands like Myslovitz.
Michel Comin, video director, was of many tours and shows, and this till the end. His images are the band’s transformations testimonies.
From words to voices
During tours the ever present text starts fading behind voices, screams and singing, it becomes sounding echos of the crossed countries languages. The song writing is composed while traveling, it is inspired by the experiences and the energy felt from these new cultures. The Franco–French clichés, limits and frustrations disappear when you feel European and a citizen of the world.
Eastern Passage
In 1989, the Wall collapses, suddenly it is a "passage", this opening in Eastern Countries triggers a real rage shared by Sisygambis while touring in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Russia. They build up strong links with a young audience sensitive to their intense music.
Sisygambis is invited to perform at the Polish Television show "The Apocalypse Riders", at the Tcheboksary New Time festivals (Russia 1994), and Alternativa (Prague 1996). In 1993 the band puts out its first audio tape for the Polish labels A–Lek and Esprit and in 1995 its first album "Interficias te Ipsum" (Make Yourself Disappear), at the Cyber Katowice studio in Poland. In 1997, in Tabor Czech Republic, they stayed in Residence at C.E.S.TA. created by the band Sabot from San Francisco, and collaborated with the Butoh Uro Teatr Koku (USA: Japan) dance company for a performance at the Facing Genders and TH Kultur, then, records "Four Stages of Cruelty" and invites Uro Teatr Koku to Marseille in order to pursue the collaboration onto video at the 7 Portes Studio. The album comes out in 1998, with an European tour and a video clip.
01. Etranger
02. Envers
03. Jardin d’hiver
04. Petit couteau
05. Valmort
06. Miroir
07. Loin
08. Adieu
09. In Ille Tempore
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-07 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-11-07 / News
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