SpaceFest! Warm Up - White Hills

For the past two years, thanks to the SpaceFest! festival, the first weekend of December has seen Gdańsk transform into the centre of shoegaze and space rock. This year is going to be no exception. This time, however, the guitar feast is going to begin already on 30 September, with a concert of the American band White Hills at the Łaźnia CCA.
This is going to be a warm up before the December festival and the only occasion to see the group in Poland during their autumn tour of Europe. Those who will not be able to catch White Hills live will have to content themselves with seeing their performance in the latest Jim Jarmusch film Only Lovers Left Alive.White Hills’ core members are guitarist Dave W. and bassist Ego Sensation. The majority of their songs are long and complex instrumental pieces. The band is known for its prolific output, releasing recordings on many independent labels, often on vinyl only. They have also released several split recordings with the UK band Gnod. White Hills’ live shows feature dramatic lighting and the usage of a fog machine. They have shared stages with bands such as MONO, The Flaming Lips, Sleepy Sun, Cloudland Canyon, Mudhoney, Akron/Family, Monster Magnet, Oneida, and Pontiak.
Tickets available at:
White Hills - In Your Room from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.
Author: Artemistress
Translator: Artemistress
Source: @ / materiały promocyjne organizatora / 2013-09-15 / Events
Translator: Artemistress
Source: @ / materiały promocyjne organizatora / 2013-09-15 / Events
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