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The Best Of polish Synth vol.1

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The new compilation, which proves that Polish electro/synth scene isn't asleep, came out on our market. Released by Sequence Records , the compilation includes carefully chosen groups and artists of more or less known names who play synthpop music. You will find there i.a. Red Emprez, d’Archangel, NUN, Mind Forces, Ice Machine and many more.
The publishing that includes two CDs starts with Branch Of Fashion; the group that, I must admit, presents Polish synthpop of a very good quality. Their songs „Waiting for the”, „Mind” and „5am” are thoroughly thought over and rather calm. The one thing that annoys at times is the vocal, as if of other style. However, the songs are well-chosen for this particular compilation, which is to represent Polish scene. Still, if those songs were considered the best, I believe BOF has a long way to go yet, to become one of the best.
And suddenly, after the song „5am”, there is a slight change of mood that attracts attention. One of my favourites of this CD - „Red Emprez” - offers more emphatic, vivid and wisely composed music. Their songs „Clubgirls”, „Caress me” and “Now You’re Mine” are worth of attention and they are some sort of exceptions on the CD, though while listening to their last song it's hard to avoid comparisons with Marlin Manson. Still, I think even Manson wouldn't mind such song. As to the band, well-known already in Poland – d'Archangel – I have mixed feelings. Their first song „Fall”, perhaps thanks to the vocalist, makes me think of dark wave rather than of sytnhpop; the text is neither joyful nor ambitious, still apart from all that it's a nice and catchy song. However, the next song, „Zawsze Biegnę”, is a complete failure. First of all, it shouldn't be on the compilation and secondly it's sung in Polish which, unfortunately, gives comic effect, especially that the text is not intelligent - all this combined together evokes associations with the famous show “Idol”. Still, I didn't loose my patience yet and I decided not to resign and listen to the end. Unfortunately, the last song “Alone” wasn't a positive surprise. I checked once again whether I'm listening to the compilation entitled synth, or not. The mood of the band d'Archangel is definitely not proper for the “synth” compilation. However, I have to admit that in their mood and music arrangement they are alright. The next unquestioned gem of the compilation is NUN. Already the first moments of „Stop!” promise wonderful journey to the world of vivid electronic sounds of a very good quality. „I don’t know how” is calmer and created purposefully. I may hear in it the specif decision of the musicians to do specific thing – to play electropop. „Vision Of Live” confirms that. It made me believe that Polish synth and electro scene will be better thanks to the groups such as NUN. One of the most interesting compositions and, at the same time, surprises, is a song of Agnieszka Czajkowska. She made a cover of one of the most famous Depeche Mode's songs in a very risky way. Agnieszka has a very high, classical voice which, as it seems, shouldn't suit that sort of arrangement. Well... she surprised us positively. Her version of „In Your Room” will definitely surprise everyone, and high voice and classical timbre seem to suit perfectly the mood of the song. The second CD is opened by the band Bear The Round ; quite naive, though pleasant track „Big Town”. Apart from its musical naivete, which actually doesn't bring anything new to the synth music, it's nice to listen. Definitely the better is the next song “Strenght”. At first you've the impression that it's absolutely the other group playing. The lyrics as well... (if you could call the lyrics the sentence „You got the strenght you got the power” repeated in a way that evokes associations with the disco songs) is not of the most intelligent one, still, if you remove the text, the instrumental version is quite good despite of repetitive motives. The last song included on the CD, „Lady” , with the recited text and gentle female vocal, is one of those songs hard to describe. Sometimes it sounds like a bad imitation of Faithless. Generally speaking, all the three songs are three different faces of the band so it's hard to speak of any presentation of the band here. Station One, the next band on the CD, attracts attention from the very first electronic sounds they produce. Quite rightly, as „Electric Girl” is interesting music and unobtrusive vocal. I find SO one of the best bands on the CD; they definitely play synth pop and they attract attention. „My Kingdom” is , I believe , inspired by the western synth pop groups and the song „Thrill” evokes associations with Depeche Mode at once ( perhaps it's thanks to the vocalist whose characteristic vocal technique resembles this of Gahan's)
Ice Machine, which goes after Station One is one of those groups I hadn't known before, but who attracted my attention at once. Despite the Polish lyrics, which as in case od d'Archangel weren't a good idea, the song „Bez Ciebie” is a really good one. It's hard to classify the band Ice Machine: they play music where the synthesizers' music interlaces with the sounds of gentle rock ballad. When I listen to the next song „Noc” I start to think that the band could be successful in radio stations as a pop rock band as well. The vocalist's voice is perfect for gentle rock arrangements. And this is exactly what happens: Ice Machine music is very gentle and sensual and very very good. My favourite song is „Z moich dobrych stron” - it's such a catchy song that I was humming it for a long time. The band proved that it's possible not only to make good music, stay in a mood but also to sing in a mother language without making fool of oneslef.
After all this expressions od delight, now the time has come to introduce the next band on the compilation, namely Mind Forces. And here I also have an impression that the band's mood is not proper for this particular CD, however, here the discrepancy is not so huge as is in case of d'Archangel. The band presents a Dark Wave gloomy mood in a song „My Life For You”. The vocalist's voice points that it suits the darkest moods. Among the songs of Mind Forces you'll also come across an interesting arrangement of Depeche Mode's song „ Never Let Me down Again”. I must admit, that the song was done very well and it presents better than the individual achievements of the band. Another song „Modern Mother” is more electronic which makes a good impression and proves the vocalist's voice vast range of musical possibilities.
The whole ends up with the song „We Are Rockin Again” by Sonic Division. It's a strongly electronic, even electroclash song, very interesting and worth listening.
I may recommend the Sequence Records compilation “The Best Of Polish Synth vol.1” to all those who is interested in the achievements of Polish scene. In each song we will find something electronic - at least one sample in the background.
The advantage of the compilation is the varied selection of the bands included which at times differ from each other very much. Thanks to SR we may see and esteem the condition and quality of music in Poland. The compilation's title suggests that it's not the last CD os that kind, so we're waiting for the next one, „vol. 2” , and we're hoping for the whole collection of the best synth sounds in Poland. The worst and most annoying feature of the compilation is the sequence of the songs. Three songs of the same band... it's quite a strange solution, especially that not all bands must appeal to the listener and in such case the CD becomes boring. The CD sounds much more interesting when we choose the random choice option a sit allows to experience the vast variety of sounds and even those groups we're not particularly fond of become interesting.
As I mentioned, despite the huge differences among the bands, two CDs are extremely interesting and they are worth of being joined to your private collection. Thanks to this compilation I had a chance to listen to those whom I hadn't known yet, judge them and to see that the Polish music scene is not only disco polo and rock. If one is able to judge the compilation I'd give it 8 [as a whole] , for the sequence of the songs -, so as a whole it will be 7/10.
Translator: Selene
Add date: 2005-11-08 / Music reviews

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Ariel Salvador

Ariel Salvador
Writen at: 2014-11-18 02:00:34
Hi, sorry if my English is bad, I only speak Spanish.

I'm looking for this collection for a long time, but I can not find it anywhere, if someone has to sell it please contact me at this address [email protected]

No matter the cost of shipping, I really want to have this record.